For the next hour, the woman led the group through the facility, explaining each room and introducing pertinent staff members. Occasionally, Jenny quietly added her own comments for Coles benefit.
The tour ended on the wide back deck overlooking the lake. Family therapy sessions have been arranged for each client. Please adhere to the schedule. Beyond that, feel free to enjoy the grounds and the main building. Lunch will be served in the dining room at noon.
With that, she left through the door leading inside. Some family groups wandered down the steps and out toward the lake. Another few followed Dr. Hobbs inside. Jenny and Cole remained on the deck.
Would you like to sit down? she asked him.
Cole glanced at the half-dozen wooden rocking chairs scattered the length of the terrace. Sure, he nodded.
The walked to the far end of the deck and selected the last two chairs. Its pretty here, Cole observed.