Back in Room 7 of the Deer Valley Motor Lodge, Poppy gathered up her belongings and packed them in her suitcase. Then she fired up her laptop to attend to some emails shed noticed on her phone.
While she was out in the backwoods of Idaho trying to convince a rancher to sell Slade & Howell a parcel of land, she still had a few other projects going on that required her attention. Currently, the new beach resort in Belize had hit a snag with local zoning restrictions, and she had research to do for a proposed couples-only retreat in New Mexico.
Dana, Mr. Slades assistant, had called while she and Hunter had been on the mountain. Quickly she returned the call, citing a dead battery as the reason for the missed call.
Hes out of the office the rest of the day. But dont worry, P.K., he just wanted to see if there was any progress with the Boxroot Mountain property.