Chapter 141: Non-Negotiable Terms

With another glare at Poppy, Slade stalked back to his seat and snatched up the booklet. Behind her, Poppy heard Howell flipping through the pages.

Slade squinted at the print on the page and looked back at her, wide-eyed. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“Nope. Not shitting you. I’m serious as fuck.”

Benjamin Howell cleared his throat. “This is absurd. You can’t possibly think we’d ever agree to this.”

“It’s a difficult decision, I know.” Poppy’s voice dripped with mock sympathy. “But these are my terms. The alternative gets very messy.”

“What are you planning to do, march into the Idaho governor’s office with your little booklet? You have no proof, you have no evidence, you have nothing a court will believe.” Slade sat back and folded his arms across his chest.

Poppy held up the flash drive Dana had given her. “I have all the documentation for every charge I’ve laid out. Including the phony environmental report.”