Chapter 193: Thoughtful

Just as Angus and Anna returned the horses to their stalls, Anna’s mother came zipping up to the barn in the electric cart.

“Oh, thank heavens you’re back,” Teresa said. “The cooler’s on the blink again, and we need to move everything. Ross and Andy are still on the ghost town outing and your dad’s up in the north forty seeing to the herd. And I absolutely won’t have Simone trying to move the heavy crates of produce and meat.”

“Do y’ need help?” Angus asked.

“No thanks, dear,” Teresa replied, resting a hand on his forearm. “Anna and I can manage. You just enjoy the rest of your day. Did you have a good ride?”

“Aye, we did at that. Ye have a beautiful ranch.”

Teresa smiled proudly. “Why, thank you! We’re quite fond of it ourselves.” She looked at Anna. “Come on, hon, let’s go clear out that old cooler before everything spoils. I’ll have someone out tomorrow to see whether we can save it, or if we’ll have to bite the bullet and get a new one.”