Chapter 219: Near Aspen

Right arm resting on the back of the low tan leather couch, Angus glanced over his shoulder and out the window of the Gulfstream 100. Heading west, they were chasing the sunset, and far below, the agricultural land of the plains states spread out like a patchwork quilt in the late afternoon light.

Anna’s soft sigh drew his attention back inside the cabin of the leased private jet Cooper had procured for Angus’s trip to Florida. The pilot had been more than happy to wait at the airport in Orlando. Because either way, Angus would be returning to Colorado.

He looked down at Anna, fast asleep with her head resting on a pillow in his lap. When she’d crashed nearly as soon as the jet was in the air, the lone flight attendant had helpfully produced the pillow and a blanket. Since then, Anna hadn’t so much as stirred.

She must have been done in, he mused, thinking of his own emotional exhaustion over the past weeks since they’d been apart.