A few more months had passed and I was still getting used to my body and this world although my vocal cords would not allow me to yet speak I still smiled at my parents when they spoke to show my understanding, over these few months I had learned quite a bit from my family about the outside world and the structure of this society.
From what I could grasp of my family the Dimachaeri family is a family of magicians and warriors who had just led the nation to war against another kingdom and won, therefore, they were rewarded and although their numbers were thinned they were feared as the most powerful family in terms of raw power. They were given the title of Archdukes for their immense aid during the great war two years prior and had only now begun to regain their numbers that were lost during the war.
With such a title as the son of an archduke, it was unquestionable that I was lying in a very lavishly built mansion and maids took care of my every need and the family dressed fancier each day it seemed as though our family had money and lands without end. My mother and father were both already elderly by the time I was born both being over forty-five years of age.
According to them at least, I suspect them to have been older however they never seemed to settle down on a number when asked by guests. At nights my father would tell me bedtime stories of great warriors within the family who had lived, they all had one thing in common, they could wield the magic of two elements the most fascinating one was called Atlas, he possessed lightning and fire magic and according to dad could destroy mountains with a thought, it was a tall and hard tale to believe but I listened nonetheless.
"Son always remember you are a part of the Dimachaerus family, our bloodline is the only one that spawns magicians of two completely different elements from birth albeit only every few generations, this is what gave us the edge to become so powerful."
By the time I was three I had begun to spend most of the time in the family library unknown to them, I could already read and my sister who was now six had her private studies and a tutor teaching her while I appeared to just be playing around the books. Meanwhile, at nights I would try to practice what I read while the household was fast asleep.
At first, I tried casting an elementary gathering spell which should be a first circle spell however none of the elements worked. The next day I tried to understand what was missing only to learn that magic depended on the affinity of the user and his magic circles.
While trying to figure out my elemental affinity and failing miserably as a toddler, my sister sat down and meditated for ten minutes and discovered she had not one but two elemental affinities, shadow and lightning, she was one of the fabled dual elementary wielders that are supposed to come once every generations.
I was distraught but then I thought maybe in this generation two dual wielders might be born, so I still had a chance, that was until dad barged in
"Oh my God! I can't believe it! Another dual holder?! This is a miracle that only happens once every thousand years!"
Another?... Once every thousand years? I was distraught, never did I imagine that there was already another dual wielder alive and well in the family.
I was about four years old at the time, barely able to match thought with speech fluently and had spent most of my toddler years playing with my circles and perfecting my motor skills.
One night while lying idling playing with my circles all three had clashed and a spark of violet light was born from their collision upon its formation within my mind a small star seemed to have been blown into existence upon reaching and grasping this star I felt warning deep within my being- Ding!
"Unique magic obtainable, do you wish to obtain? Or would you prefer a single element instead?"
'Seems I am only destined to be among the rift rafts in this world with only one element, however, I could just roll the roulette and hope for a decent unique magic…. Can I see what exactly is available?' and with just that thought another ring of the same voice popped up inside my mind
"Available elemental magic – Light, earth, fire, water, and wind total current wielders…. Over four hundred million. Available unique magic --- gravity, current users, zero."
With just a thought this additional information appeared within my subconscious. I had been a scientist in my previous life and although I wasn't sure exactly what it was, I felt a deep subconscious yearning to be reunited with my study of physics and how its laws applied to this world of magic.
So without hesitation, I took gravity by the nuts, and in an instant, my mental star collapsed forming a small gathering of dust that sparkled in a violet hue.
I awoke with a small understanding of my magic, only enough to understand the basics of my new found element. I could extend my circles far beyond my own body having an influence of around one meter in all directions however my influence seemed limited in the degree to the weight of objects within my surroundings.
The energies that once played only around my body had started bouncing off other objects, each of the four circles continually rotating as I focused them daily.
While my sister practiced her magic with her tutor I would use my magic to help myself lift books as I made them lighter and heavier to test the limits of my newfound ability.
It seems at the moment I can only make objects about one pound either heavier or lighter, while I was there lifting and reading random books Trisha, my sister had just learned how to conjure an electric charge in her palms using it to leave deep lashes into the side of the shelves filled with books.
Seems she's already a genius among genii, her instructor clapped and praised her nonstop with each session. Luckily with the entire family paying her all the attention, it gave me more time to be lost in the library and practice my unique magic even earlier.
After a few tries, I learned to apply my magic even on myself. Instead of spending hours a day trying to strengthen my muscles I only needed to apply my gravity magic on myself while I continued my everyday tasks, while it tires me out at a breakneck pace it allows me more time to read.