It took three weeks before I was finally able to cast a silent spell mid-battle. It was just a slow spell but Jin felt the effects and knew what I had done, his eyes widened as he felt its effect.
'Only three weeks? Normally it takes At least two months for anyone within the family to come close and some never succeed,' Jin thought to himself in disbelief.
"Class is over for today." It was still relatively early in the morning when I succeeded, however, Jin ended the class and went straight to my father to make his report.
"It would seem not only your daughter but also your son might have talents far beyond their years. His circles by my estimates are at least at the end of the fourth limits, and each of his circles is already finely developed naturally, truth be told apart from combat there isn't much need to teach him meditation and harnessing techniques, while he may not possess the dual element he possesses an aptitude as though he had been using magic from within the womb."
Jin's report was interrupted by chuckles between the two as they laughed heartily at the ridiculous thought.
"Continue to teach whatever you think will be more useful for him in combat." Jin was dismissed for the remainder of the day.
After another three months of sparring and meditation, my fifth circle sparked into creation with it my mana reserves that before could only allow for short bursts of magic could now hold for a longer period.
While I would constantly have my body weight increase magic on myself, I called this my gravity chains, it seems I was unable to cast spells on other objects for longer than thirty seconds.
Well that was before my fifth circle sparked. Now I was able to hold my reduction and gravity increase for as long as two minutes depending on how heavy or light I wanted to make the object even while my gravity chains were active.
Another two years had passed, by now my sister Trisha was getting ready for her coming of age banquet. As a member of a Noble family thirteen was considered old enough to marry or move out on one's own, and oftentimes within poorer families was the age third sons would be forced to move out with only a severance fund to make their names.
The villa was filled with life as elegant adornments were strung up and the many servants busily moved around preparing and cleaning each room, while the preparations took place my father and mother were already dressed in beautiful suits.
My mother wore a purple dress that exaggerated her curve and long gloves that added a mist of mystery to her body which was complemented by the expensive diamond necklace she wore.
While my father wore something similar to a tuxedo however his tailcoat had two tails extending to his knee pits, that plus a red and gold scarf across his left shoulder running to his right hip, this was only worn by archdukes during official ceremonies to signify he was the head of the household.
My mother laughed as I tried to fight her and my dad off as they forced me into a white shirt and brushed my hair at the same time. I hated having to dress fancy, between the ridiculous look of the clothing and pricing much less their uncomfortable nature, it was hell. However, for my sister's sake, I swallowed my pride and got dressed.
The banquet started at seven in the evening, however the majority of the noble families did not start to arrive until eight.
One by one the guests of the Noble families arrived, being an archduke my father greeted them all with his noble etiquette that was filled with swagger and elegance, my mother by his side made her presence known without being intrusive.
As the banquet went on it was time for my sister to perform her coming of age talent exhibition, she was especially nervous because even a prince of the Royal family had come to watch her performance this time around, it was nothing like her usual show she would have for one Noble representative.
This time it was a villa filled with the upper echelons of the kingdom, needless to say her nerves were already standing on end.
Trisha stepped into the middle of the performance floor, her black skin-tight suit allowed her free movement while showing off her still underdeveloped body, her hair was caught up into a bun and its slightly dark purple hue which was the same as mine and my fathers seemed to shine even more on this occasion.
The nobles looked down from the balcony while my sister was on the lower floor surrounded by eyes looking down.
She took the center stage and took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves as she began to sway to the drum being played at the side, as she swayed her shadow magic along with the darkness of the night made it appear as though she was teleporting about the open area, she danced in and out of the visible view of the guest they clapped as she swayed rhythmically with the beat, as the drumbeat hastened, the rhythm rolled faster and faster she "teleported" farther and farther on the stage until a loud beat was heard and shadow engulfed the stage and as quickly as the shadow rose it disappeared leaving an empty stage.
Until a bright flash of purple electricity was born for the center of the stage and as it dispersed Trisha appeared at its center with arms wide open and head looking up, her breathing extremely rugged and hair now disheveled, it was obvious her mana was hardly enough to maintain the performance she had just kept.
The audience was in awe and shocked as they watched Trisha, the balcony was filled with low whispers
"Another dual-element wielder?.... In the same generation?"
When Trisha expelled her lightning it was obvious that the ancient households were more terrified than impressed.
- Clap-
The applause started with the Royal Prince and like a wave of infection the other nobles joined in until Trisha had a full house of applause and cheers, she was elated to see the nobles pleased with her performance.
During the banquet my father was continually congratulated for having such a talented daughter while I as the one unfavored by the Gods faded into the background.
The nobles continually shook hands and mingled with Trisha trying to earn favors with the daughter of an archduke not to mention a dual wielder, it was a known fact that all the dual wielders in history became famous magicians, everyone of them was destined for high positions within militaries or Noble ranking.
The current dual wielder in the family was my father's brother Zetra. He was currently the major general of the army, the head of the Royal armed forces and the war hero of the ten-year-long war.
Zetra approached Trisha his large body intimated everyone within his immediate vicinity, a scar on his face showed he was a battle-hardened warrior, not to mention his short stubby dark purple hair that was a signature of the Dimachaerus family, his rough demeanor shattered as he hugged Trisha and lifted her off the ground and spun with her, Trisha had changed in a cute pink dress with frills after her performance and now as she was swirling about her dress danced as he moved in the air.
Zetra chuckled as he spoke
"It's great to see we have another Miracle in the family. I'm proud to see how far your training has come, this is my gift to you little pumpkin."
He placed Trisha down and handed her a sky-blue ring.
"It's a spell ring, you can store one spell with it and also store a small amount of mana in it for future use. I know as a dual wielder that our magic takes a lot more than the average magician."
He slid the ring on her middle finger as he spoke softly.
The ring being a magical item was extremely expensive, lesser Noble households would have one or two of these magical items as family heirlooms to be given to relatives going to battles not for children to parade around with but in an archduchy, these were trivial items.
Trisha hugged Zetra tightly to thank him for the trinket and immediately stored a lightning spell within the ring. As she did so the ring changed from a pale sky blue to a dark purple hue, for Trisha lightning was the most exhausting element of the two, and required the most of her mana and mental reserves, it was a relief to have such an item on her person.
Sneaking up behind me while I picked at the table of food Zetra picked me up with one hand and smiled as he ruffled my hair and greeted me, I was always annoyed by my uncle's manhandling of me just because I was trapped in a child-like body, but I understood this was how a childless man would treat his beloved nephew.
"Ah. I have a gift for you too Alric, here you go lad it's just a trinket until you reach your own coming of age."
He shoved a simple smooth looking gray ring at my face,
"This here is a healing ring, during my younger days this ring helped me get out of a lot of tough situations, it can cast up to fourth circle healing spells, just be careful to ensure you have enough nutrients to make up for the cost of healing."
Healing items were next to impossible to get because anyone who has one would never let it go. After a brief explanation from my uncle it seems the ring can heal myself or someone else but is very limited in power and has no range along with a long recharge time.
If sold this ring would be worth a small fortune while if stolen would be worth a ransom.
The night ended as swiftly as it came; the darker the night grew the more nobles left for their humble abodes; the laughter died down as they left one after the other.
Only the main members of my family along with the servants remained, each of us in our exhausted states fell asleep randomly within the villa.
A giant bright green ball of flames crashed within the villa shocking every member of the household from their respective slumbers,
"What's happening?"
My mother awoke to ask as she spun her head to gain an understanding of the situation. She realized that all the servants that were around her had already had their throats slashed and the entire room stained in blood.