We walked in the darkness for days on end, hunger and thirst tormented us. Despite this Sigfreed continued to collapse the wall behind us, leaving us only forwards as our direction.

Three days later we stumbled on a small cavern within the underground caves. This cavern had a high room with crystals embedded in the walls to illuminate the room, within this room stood only a statue of a weeping angel, her wings sprawling wide.

On the wings of the angel were red lines like veins spreading, as we observed these lines glowed less and less until the once brightly glowing wings were reduced to little more than dots.

"Each of those dots and veins represented other branches of our family, every bastard son, every daughter… we are the only ones left."

Sigfreed freed himself to look at the wings of the angel now lacking in luster, as the shimmer faded so did the hope in his eyes.

"Just take the two rings on the angel's finger. That's what we are here for." After taking the rings both my sister and I placed them on our fingers.

Then we were struck with a load of information within our minds. It would seem both rings were dimensional holdings, and not like the common dimensional rings which only contained the space of a large duffel bag but these were as big as a room.

It would seem both of our rings were filled with different items. My ring contained one thousand gold coins, some meat, a common knife, and a map, however my sister being as lucky as she always was, her ring contained two thousand gold coins, magic crystals, a map, and a magic sword.

"This cave is just one of our five emergency warehouses which were secretly built. It was created to help a group of us to retreat and reorganize… never did we expect it to be our last hope."

Sigfreed thought as his face grew dimmer and dimmer with the full comprehension of the situation we were in. To prevent detection Sigfreed had activated a series of anti-detection runes within the cavern.

We had to stay underground for a month waiting for things to blow off, it seems the only way to tell the time in the underground cavern was by the cycles of recharge that each crystal lighting the cave would experience.

During this month, we dwelled in the cold darkness of the cave, me and my sister along with Sigfreed.

The face of my mother as the sword that protruded her abdomen was etched into my mind each night.

The rage that built deep within me each time I thought of that banquet only grew.

Many nights while sleeping on the cold cave floors I would see my sister jump from her sleep screaming, it was obvious she was even more shaken up than I was, after a while, she didn't speak as much anymore.

During the light cycle of the magic crystals she would meditate, and I would watch as the lightning element engulfed her and sparked the air, the anger evident as she meditated.

I was less shaken up than she was, that was until the fourteenth day underground when the wings of the angel had finally been reduced to only three dots.

It was now official, we were alone in this world.

My sister and I who had seen our parents demise were already a little numb towards the obvious, but Sigfreed took it the hardest.

Sigfreed buckled under the weight of his own shoulders, I could see him fighting back tears.

It must have just hit him, that even his own direct family was dead.

The weeping angel had always been a sign of prosperity to most noble families, and the blood magic that was infused of the highest quality, but now it was the harbinger of genocide.

Forced into this underground dark world, alone and cut off from the world like the unwanted apples in a basket thrown aside to rot and be forgotten, the thought was infuriating, and the darkness and loneliness even more insipid.

Looking at the Sigfreed's despair as he sat motionless on the cave floor, seeing Trisha as her eyes lost the spark that always glowed with genius and elegance, I felt a huge wave of despondency.

At that moment I snapped.

My rage that I had been holding in all along overflowed.

The rocks around my body levitated and began falling towards the ceiling. My sister was even more surprised to see me floating while these phenomena took place.

She was well aware of my magical ineptitude, so for her to see such a magical situation widened her eyes.

The rocks crashed against the ceiling, while dust and debris floated about, with each crash the cavern would shake once more, throwing Sigfreed off balance as he and my sister made their way towards me.

I had spent so much time inside my mother's womb all alone, in the darkness, and now to be forced back into the darkness from where I came, forced to watch my mother and father die, all because I was too weak.

It was in this moment of fear and rage I vowed to myself.

I will never again be weak regardless of talent or aptitude.

I will defend my sister, and destroy this kingdom that dared to plan against the Dimachaerus family. -

Before my thoughts could align I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, then another darkness fell.

When I awoke I was in my sister's lap, her tears fell on my face as she cried,

"Brother, don't be sad anymore, We are fine, I am happy… just to have you."

She wiped her tears as she spoke, forcing a smile between her tears. This was her impression of being happy, it was a pitiful expression, her eyes still watery. However she was still my big sister so she had to always be a pillar of strength for her little brother.

She patted my head until sleep stole me away once more.