Three years had passed, and things had changed since that evening in the cabin.

We had spent the last three years doing nothing but fighting and training.

Day in, day out, we fought each other. Two against one one on one it was all the same.

By the end of it all Uncle Sigfreed had reached the standard of an arch knight while me and my sister's control over magic had improved by leaps and bounds.

But the biggest change over the years for us happened a year prior.

My sister Trisha had left to live within the main city one to start school at the Red Phoenix Magic Academy in the Dragneir Kingdom.

She had assumed a new identity as Emma, a peasant whose family lived within the hills.

Trisha never wanted to leave her brother behind but Sigfreed had spent some time convincing her that that was the only place where she could get any stronger.

Sigfreed had to admit there wasn't much left for him to teach us, and for a genius like Trisha she had already learnt everything he could teach. Her only limitation now was her age and underdeveloped body. In terms of pure skill she had already surpassed him.

When she left us she was fifteen years old, but magic academies accepted students from the age of fourteen. Sigfreed had thought that I was still too early to leave the forest and decided to wait another year.

Trisha explained to the academy that her family was extremely impoverished and that they needed an additional year to gain enough funds to pay the tuition of the academy.

This was actually a very common practice within the lower classes so the academy did not consider it much.

Truthfully, we had lived in the forest for the majority of our time, so most of the money we obtained in the underground cave was still in our possession. When it came to finances, we were actually very well off.

During the past three years I had spent most of my time sparring with Sigfreed and Trisha, fighting wild magical beasts and training my pet kluddes.

They had grown to the size of fully grown lions. My magic over the years had only reached the sixth circle and once again I had no idea how it helped.

My magic grew stronger and my precise control had improved by a wide margin over the years. The most growth appeared in my physical skills and six senses, although, I would credit that mostly to the beast contract.

It would seem just having the contract over time would naturally improve not only my physical body but even my normal senses over time.

Today is the day I should arrive at the capital of the Dragnier Kingdom.

While entering I was forced to assume the identity of a peasant named Alard.

The capital of the Dragnier Kingdom was called Drake City. The city was surrounded by thick walls that stood over one hundred meters high. When looking from the carriage I could not see the top of the walls. It would seem the city was very much used to fending off larger creatures.

If Alric could see he would have noticed the top of the walls manned with hundreds of soldiers firmly looking out in all directions waiting for danger.

This wasn't out of the ordinary since during real times of danger the number would skyrocket.

The carriage pulled forward by two horses slowly made its way through Drake city.

The city had the air of a medieval kingdom but felt a little more advanced.

The first couple houses closer to the entrance of the city had a dirty runned down look. The houses closest to the main road looked sturdy made of white stone that did not seem so white anymore. These houses were at most only two-story houses while the majority only had one extra floor. It went without saying the larger the building the cleaner it looked.

When Alric tried to look beyond the large buildings he could see the shanty dwellings that extended for miles. It was obvious these large buildings closer to the main road were just a means to hide the slums further behind them.

Despite this the people on the streets still had clean colorful clothes albeit a little raggedy.

In the square walked people of all different shapes and sizes. Some wore armor while others wore leather plates. Most people walked with a weapon either at their sides or on their backs.

After the carriage continued for a few more minutes there was a sign that said "Outer City".

As soon as we passed the sign and crossed an empty clearing we passed through another wall. This wall isn't as tall as the first and even Alric could see the guards on top.

These guards were not as heavily armored as the first set but their uniforms seemed a lot more refined. Even their weapons sparkled with a brighter shine.

The businesses and houses in this section of the city were on a completely different level. The houses were all painted nicely; most houses were at least two stories high and had beautiful glass windows with exquisite designs.

This part of the city had a lot more signs and written words advertising all kinds of businesses.

The architecture of the city was completely different. Fountains, overarching bridges and the hussle and bussle of other carriages that were several times more luxurious than what Alric was in.

As the carriage I was in drew closer and closer to the Red Phoenix Magic Academy the Inner City of Drake City had a better air.

Regardless of the beauty of the city, Alric was filled with disgust.

"Nothing but a kingdom filled with murders and savages.

But I can fix it."

Alric smirked with a grin so creepy that if the coachman had seen it he would have called him a demon.

But Alric was intoxicated by potential.

He had spent the past few years planning and now that he was here his plans felt more real and practical.