"Alard, this is the best room."
Alaric was pulled from his thoughts as the escort continued to speak.
"It means you must have scored the highest out of all of the first years."
The guide spoke, her voice shook Alric from his stupor.
He entered his room. His room, unlike the rest of the rooms on the floor, had its own bath and a door to the back.
The wooden door was covered in runes and had a golden knob.
"This door is what is considered the prize for scoring the highest in the entrance exam."
Alric looked at the door and examined it, apart from the intricate design and golden knob there didn't seem to be much about it.
" It connects to a dimensional space. Not like a storage space though, more of a training space.
It's normally as big as its initial mana input which means it's not very big.
The last top student said his space could only fit a small bed."
The guid seeming to lose her composer, went off on a ramble explaining the space.
"And time passes slower inside space. Well that's what he said at least.
Also only you can access this area using either the door or the necklace that it creates. Even when you finish the academy it will still only be accessible by you."
"Its not very useful since it's so small but it can save you some time when studying or practicing simple stuff."
Alric observed the ruins on the door as he listened to the guide explain. After finishing her tour she bowed and left the room.
Alric looked at the door and smiled as the young lady left.
'Only as big as the initial mana input you say…'
Alric rubbed his chin as he pondered and continued to look at the magic door.
He did not have any clothes to unpack, since he kept the majority of his personal things in his dimensional ring.
Alric walked over to the magic door. But instead of injecting it with his mana right away, he sat in front of the door and meditated.
He tried to gather magical energy. Alric's eyes were closed however what he thought would take an hour took five minutes.
The magic circles in the room glowed slightly and sent magic rushing towards him, before long he was bathing in mana.
He opened his eyes and with his body overflowing in mana he touched the door and injected it with his mana. The runes on the door glowed and sucked the mana from Alric.
Alric gave every drop of mana he had stored in his body and even tried to recover his mana while he was touching the door he tried to abuse the high mana level of the room to recover while being drained.
After finishing his own reserves he poured the magic from his kluddes contract into the door as well.
By the time Alric finally released the door's handle his face was pale and he looked as though he had not eaten in days. Even his hair lost some of its deep dark shimmer.
He collapsed onto the floor the moment he released the handle.
When Alric awoke it was close to midday, under normal circumstances he should not have woken up until three days time.
But due to the magic circles on the walls constantly pumping in mana he recovered from his severe mana deprivation in record time.
This time when Alric held the door handle a necklace made of simple chord materialized around his neck. The necklace had a dark purple quartz stone at its center. Although It did not look very elegant it did have a minimalistic beauty to it.
Alric stepped through the door and he was astonished.
Before him laid a grassy plain. It was not endless, and was about one thousand square meters.
Its center was a wooden cabin and three trees stood tall behind the small wooden cabin already bearing fruit. Further behind the trees was a small pond that had no fish.
A dome covered the space. It seemed to shine slightly to indicate the time of day. The dome covered the one thousand square meters all around cutting off this space from the outside world.
Alric spent time examining the world his mana had created until he felt satisfied and night had come within the space. In order to exit the space he had to either squeeze the necklace which would send him back to where he had entered from or he could walk through the door at the back of the cabin.
When Alric returned to his dorm room he looked at his dorm room's clock and only an hour had passed.
It had to be noted that Alric had spent at least four hours inside the space examining every nook and cranny. For only one hour to have passed meant the time had flown at least four times slower within the space.
Alric never understood how much power was in his contract until now. After all, his own tiny mana reserves would never have been able to produce this much wonder on its own.
This was clearly just a fraction of the emperor kluddes power being used.