"Although magic formations are considered an Archaic form of magic it is still very good at teaching the basics of all forms of magic.

The circles we draw represent the magic circles within,

The lines connecting each circle shows the flow of magic from one form to the next while

Every other symbol represents the type of magic being used.

And of course the glow and thickness represents the intensity of the mana…"

Alric was in class the next day looking out the window as Lady Jinvire elegantly carried out her class.

He had to admit his adolescent body was trying hard not to stare at the more beautiful areas.

Alric's struggle was cut short when another teacher stepped in and interrupted the class.

The unknown man whispered into Lady Jinvire's ear and she nodded in understanding.

"Young Alard,

You are needed at the headmaster's office immediately."

Alric was a little surprised, afterall apart from the little show yesterday at Colonel Clover's class he had stayed under the radar.

Alric nodded and stood up ready to head out only to see the gossiping of the other students.

Even Phannor and Lloyd were deep in their speculations already.

Alric shook his head and continued.

Inwardly Alric was a little nervous and wondered.

'Did they already find out my real identity?

Maybe they found out about the bodies from the gang when I attacked?

What if it's about the kludde contract ….maybe they already found the origin"

The more Alric thought about everything leading up to now the more worried he got. Sure he had done his best to take care of every and any loose ends but there were always unknowns and variables that couldn't be controlled.

Alric grew more and more nervous the closer he got to the headmaster's office. Even now he had his kluddes in his shadow on standby and his senses were being heightened plus he was storing a massive amount of internal mana ready for things to go south.

Alric stopped in front of the Headmasters' office taking a deep breath trying to calm down his racing thoughts.

"You may enter young Alard."

Alric was a little surprised especially since he had yet to even knock.

Alric stepped in and the headmaster gave him a keen look.

"No need to be on edge, this is actually a very good occasion that i've called you in for today,"

Alric realized the undertone message of what the headmaster was trying to say. He was a peak expert level magician after all how could he not sense the concentration of mana within Alric.

This was probably his way of defusing the tension Alric had within.

Alric took a few steady steps forward when he realized someone else was in the room. He had been so preoccupied with the notion of possibly having to fight the headmaster he failed to notice the other entity in the room.

Most likely it was due to the lack of mana fluctuations that came from him. Alric immediately sensed that he was completely ordinary.

The man sat on a sofa adjacent to the headmaster's desk. The man dressed elegantly and wore rings that gleaned and gave off an expensive air. His porkish body contrasted his expensive attire and made him look less elegant.

"So this is the top student I've been hearing about."

"Ahm, Young Alard, this is Earl Braveheart."

The headmaster interrupted the Earl's sentence trying to get Alard to understand his position from the onset and act accordingly.

The earl had already stretched out his hand for a hand shake but Alric was already petrified.

The problem was clear, Alric had already met this man when he was a child. In fact the man had spent some time at his villa when he was a child. Alric remembered clearly he had an affinity towards the young maids.

The main issue was the last time Alric saw him. a year or so after his family was massacred, not to mention his sudden rise all the way to an earl.

It had to be noted that unless it was war time or playing a major part in the kingdom the odds of a mare baron rising all the way to an earl in a few years was on par with the odds of a pig growing wings.

This factor alone made it obvious to Alric that this baron was a major player in the extermination of his lineage.

Regardless, Alric still had to keep up the facade. instead of meeting his hand shake Alric gave an elegant bow.

Earl Braveheart was a little taken aback by the smooth movements of what was supposed to be a commoner.

"Oh, you never mentioned he was well mannered as well, headmaster.

You may rise."

The pork-faced noble smirked at the obedient nature of the student.

"Young Alard, I called you here today because the Braveheart family has indicated their interest in you becoming their vassal."

Alric's mind lit up connecting dot after dot. For a noble family to be scouting out a student at such a tender stage it must mean they had some strong economic power but lacked the brute power.

This was most likely a play to balance the future power within the family. A family being rich without enough powerful mages and paladins was always a set up to be robbed.

But the vice-versa was even worse, a powerful family without money was just as weak, maybe even weaker since they would have to fight not only external enemies but sabotage from within.

If he was supposed to become their vassal now it would be the same as fattening his enemies.

Alric was a little conflicted. After all, had he not sworn to eliminate all the nobles responsible for his family's death? Then how could he start by helping them?

But at the sametime he needed somewhere to start. How else would he gain access to so many noble families without first being in bed with one. As a commoner he was farthest from the politics of the kingdom and no amount of fame could get him into that circle.

But now the opportunity had literally crawled into his lap.

"Young Alard, this isn't a decision you should make brassley.

Think on it for a few days and let us know."

In truth the headmaster didn't want a child so young and radical to be tied to a noble household so early. Afterall he still had much room to grow and might get better offers later on.

He was more worried about the backlash that the school would face should Alard act out.

Early Braveheart threw a scroll at Alric before he could bow to leave.

"This is the preliminary contract. You may review it as you like."

Alric hastily caught the contract before he bowed and left. Leaving the room leaving only the two to discuss.

"I hope you don't think this will change anything.

You still owe us a lot of gold."

The headmaster sighed and continued.

"I know but I'm sure this little arrangement put a dent in our debt.

As for that child…."

The headmaster sat forward and gave a serious expression,

"That boy feels like an agent of nothing but chaos, I would say all you're doing is feeding your enemy."

Braveheart laughed heartily as he heard the headmasters word,

"Bah!, he is just one kid,

what's the worst he can do?"