Anka gave Alric a sharp look as she brushed past him to take the stage.
Just like Alric she only had a wooden dagger in hand and was told to limit herself to first circle magic or universal spells.
Meanwhile Christina and Phannor both had a wooden sword in hand.
"Remember this is about using your strengths to your advantage and using your opponents weaknesses to your advantages as well."
Clover tried to remind both parties. Inwardly hoping that Phannor and Christina would put up a better fight since they were already friends.
Afterall this lesson was mainly for Anka to learn the same thing that Alric needed to learn.
Clover signaled the start of the exercise and immediately a barrage of spells were audible.
"Fortis Dia!
Swift Dia!
Lesser Reinforcement!
Flaming sword!"
Like a gazelle Anka pounced casting spells back to back.
Christina had barely finished even outering the first syllable when a sword that was on fire was being thrusted towards her neck.
"Full Guard!"
Phannor was the one to come to her rescue, intersecting the attack and blocking it.
Unfortunately for Christina and Phannor the power behind the attack after four consecutive buffing spells was unparalleled. The impact of the attack alone was enough to lift Phannor off his feet and force him a few meters back.
Even Christina that was behind him was sent flying.
In a split second Anka was already behind them, her flaming sword already thrusting towards the two.
The only difference this time was that enough time had passed for Christina to finish her spell.
"Light screen!"
A barrier was formed between the three but Anka thrusted her wooden sword nonetheless.
The thrust hit the light shield but the power behind the thrust was more than enough to push the screen back, riddling it in cracks.
The screen was pushed back so much that even Christina and Phannor on the other side were sent flying back the opposite direction they had just come from.
"Boost Magica!"
Another spell was casted by Anka but it didn't matter. She was already in front of Phannor who was literally flying onto her wooden blade.
"Full guard!"
Once again Phannor blocked the attack but the power behind it sent him and Christina flying once more.
It was like Anka was playing ping pong with her classmates.
She was heartlessly sending them back and forth each time. Her attacks gained power each round, growing slightly stronger or faster since she had more time and focus to cast more spells.
The class looked on feeling their stomachs turn at the blatant bullying taking place. The rest of the class really had to wonder if this girl was even human. The speed and power she maintained even if it was due to the power of enhancement spells would still leave anyone else exhausted.
But Anka continued her onslaught like it was just another chore.
Eventually the inevitable happened and Christina's light shield gave out first. Not only had she reduced the size but Anka attacked before it could even form fully.
When the residual power from her attack struck Christina, both she and Phannor were instantly shot off the stage.
Anka was the only one left standing. Her breathing was ragged and even her sword burnt down to ashes the moment she stopped.
Colonel Clover was a little taken aback by the approach but once again he couldn't argue much with the methods.
"Well I guess this brings us to some more advanced tactics.
Those being blitzing, continuous attacks and suppressive fire."
Clover helped Phannor and Christina to pull themselves together before he turned to the class to continue explaining.
"The terms each are slightly different but they all culminate into the same basic things.
Blitzing is to attack the enemy as quickly and as strongly as possible the moment the battle begins. This prevents your opponents from getting enough time to adapt to the situation."
Colonel Clover wanted to add that blitzing wasn't all that it is marked up to be since it required someone to actually have the power and speed to actually back it up. But he didn't wish to digress from the main lesson of the day.
"And of course continuous attack is just as the name suggests. It's to simply attack until the fight is over."
Clover would have added that normally it would be either blitzing or continuous attack and never both. Since the burden it would put on an individual or body of soldiers was astronomical and no worse than death on a battlefield.
Normally if a body of troops did both of these at the same time they were most likely just doing a suicide charge already sure of death.
"And lastly suppressive fire, another straightforward concept. It just means you attack so much the opponent doesn't have any opportunity to retaliate."
It had to be noted that suppressive fire by one individual was normally a ridiculous concept since a greater force should have more bodies to expend attacking and defending at the same time. However Anka was skillful enough to employ the concept of a skewer.
Basically attacking or weakening one enemy through another.
It was another high level military tactic that he really did not wish to burden the first year students with so early in their learning.
Clover couldn't blame Christina and Phannor, afterall they were just commoners and Anka was of a noble household. She most likely had been in formal training for quite some time to reach this level of thinking and understanding.
Initially Clover wanted to use this exercise to teach some of the most basic military concepts and then grow it into more complex concepts but with talent such as this weren't the scales already too unbalanced?
Clover had thought that Alric was a genius but now he realized that he was in a class filled with future gems.
Clover smiled inwards.
"Okay, next set!"