The next day Alric was in class looking out the window and wondering how his next move would affect his plan.
"When creating magic formations we must consider the materials on which we are placing the formations.
Different materials can handle mana levels differently. Some are better at conducting one attribute than others while some elements are mana resistant.
Normally everyday materials such as wood and cloth can only handle low level spells while the hide of a magical beast or rare minerals would be more adept at handling higher level spells…"
Lady Jinvire continued her class and had all the males captivated as she walked about and dictated her lesson.
Her class was interrupted when a familiar unknown man knocked on the door.
"Good day lady Jinvire. The headmaster is requesting the presence of student Alard."
Alric was drawn from his wonder when he heard his name.
He could more or less understand what this summons was in respect of.
Without waiting Alric nodded to his classmate Phannor and Lloyd before leaving the class.
"Good to see you again young Alard, even better not to see you so tense this time."
The headmaster was the one to welcome Alric the moment he stepped in, his words held a sharp sense of reprimand.
"No need to be so hard on a cautious lad. Come in Alard."
Following up to the principal's welcome was the fat noble sitting across, Earl Braveheart.
Alric, expecting the earl gave him a respectful bow before stepping forward.
"Nice to meet you again Earl Braveheart."
"No need for such formalities young Alric, instead tell me about your views on the vassal contract.
Do you find the terms to your liking?"
Earl Braveheart played the gentle uncle figure very well. If Alric didn't already find all the nobles repulsive he would have considered not killing this one in the future based on his current behavior now.
But Alric knew it was all just a ploy. Nobility were no lower than politicians when their lives were really on the line.
Regardless of his inner disdain Alric gave the earl and headmaster a smile that made his eyes look like crescent moons.
"I was truly honored by your offer Earl Braveheart… but after some detailed reading I do have a few amendments to the document.
If you find these grounds outside of your power please let me know."
Alric returned the preliminary contract to Earl Braveheart for him to peruse.
Earl Braveheart, like a true business man, read the new terms of the contract immediately.
Earl Braveheart had to admit that he had not expected a commoner like Alric to be able to read much less understand the contract.
Just the fact that he took the time out to read it already gave Alric a few extra points in his book.
The further Earl Braveheart read the more he had to appreciate the knowledge and understanding that the young mage had.
Alric had removed all the loopholes he had in the contract and even managed to put a few of his own in place.
For one instance there was the clause that mentioned
"The vassal shall give up all rights to become a vassal for any other family."
It was a simple clause and was often used to prevent vassals from leaving to join other families but the undertone message meant that even if a family collapsed or a vassal was dismissed he would be forever dismissed from the noble and political settings.
This would leave the ex-vassal no means to recover himself even if he was unjustly dismissed from his service.
Alric had changed the line to;
"The vassal shall, so long as this contract remains binding, give up all rights to become a vassal for any other family."
It might seem like an irrelevant change but it was enough to put a well needed limit on the contract and give him some leeway to recover himself should the contract be breached or terminated.
Braveheart had to admire the brainwork behind his thinking. It was impressive… well for a noble at least.
Braveheart continued to read and one by one he realized that Alric wasn't a push over at all. All of the instances that a family would normally use to abuse a vassal had been removed. In fact there was now grounds for Alric to use them instead.
Braveheart thought he had seen it all but the final line was even more ballsy than he would ever expect a commoner to add.
'This contract shall be considered agreed upon after the signing sum of one thousand gold coins are paid in full to the vassal designate.'
Braveheart almost buckled over in flabbergast. Never in his wildest dream would he expect this commoner brat to be so brazen with his request.
"A… young Alric… this sum… don't you feel it's a bit too exorbitant?"
The Headmaster came over to look at what was taking Earl Braveheart by surprise. The moment her peaked at that line in the contract even the headmaster had to look twice.
It had to be noted that for an earl a thousand gold coins was considered a large sum of money. Maybe if he was a Duke or even an Archduke then this could be considered just some copper coins. But for an earl this would certainly put his household back a few months.
"Exorbitant? Heh?
I am sorry Earl Braveheart.
I was of the opinion that this was just table scraps for one of the wealthiest earl households in the kingdom.
I had originally just put it there so as not to paint your household as a bunch of beggars and cradle robbers."
Alric gave a clueless expression as he spoke, sounding almost regretful. While in his mind he was grinning knowing full well what pride did to these types of nobles.
"But if you want that line removed and the rest of the nobles to know you love collecting cheap rift rafts into your family then by all means I would still be honored to join your family for free."
Alric gave Braveheart an eerie closed eyed smile.
Braveheart gulped feeling that this kid was a little too conniving for his own good. Braveheart wanted to argue but for a noble to haggle with a commoner over a price that was detrimental to his image was out of the question.
In truth Braveheart wanted to change his mind seeing that the price might not be worth it. But with the headmaster now looking on and even the look of the young mage, he wanted to save face.
"Joining a family for free is also acceptable afterall I am sure allll the noble families will understand how hard times are on you Earl Braveheart."
Alric as though trying to drive the knife deeper added to his pressure.
Earl Braveheart clicked his tongue in defeat and signed the contract.