After another week Alric realized there was another issue creeping up on him.
He had been so preoccupied with organizing his underground gang, his duties as a vassal and allowing the fugitives to improve that he neglected his own studies.
Although his grades were fairly good, what he was worried about was the deadline for the library pass.
In truth no student would be granted full access to the library for the entire year. The administrators considered this an unfair advantage by all sense of the matter.
Colonel Clover's library pass normally expires after one month. Normally the student's would use the pass to uncover a new spell, or some training techniques in the first week and spend the other weeks practicing using the books as guides.
But Alric had basically wasted the first week on everything except this. Now he was in the library trying to find anything that could bolster his individual strength while it was still available.
Alric had spent hours after classes searching through book after book. He was the first to the library and last to leave each day.
This continued for a week, until one night at the library he saw the same pink haired student who had also won a library pass sitting calmly reading a book.
Her decorous posture and easy going look captivated his attention. He was even more intrigued by the book she was reading,
"The origins of Warlock Magic"
That was what was written on the cover. The other students who earned library tickets all spent only a day or two inside the library. They had only come to pick up one of the secret books and went off with it to practice some new powerful technique.
They had to hurry since they only had a month to learn the basics since mastering any powerful technique in a month was impossible.
"That's an interesting book you have there, um, i'm Alard"
I stretched out my hand to greet her, she seemed annoyed by my intrusion into her little moment of quiet.
"You don't need to tell me your name, we are in the same class.
Plus, every first year here knows who you are, Mister I'm the best sleeper."
even while teasing him, she did not look away from the book.
" I never said I was.
Anyways, shouldn't you be out mastering some new all powerful technique like the rest of ticket winners?"
Alric asked, trying to take the topic away from his embarrassing but growing school reputation.
"I already did."
She responded rather matter of factly, still not looking away from the book.
"What, are you serious?!"
He responded shocked and in disbelief.
"Yes, it has almost been two weeks. Now I am focusing on theoreticals."
"Theoreticals? I wish I could say the same.
I just can't seem to find the right books yet, my magic is just too different from normal magic to find a skill that works for me."
Alric responded with a slight hint of disappointment as he drew a seat around the table.
"Well, I would suggest you stop focusing so much on enhancement books, and look at other magic systems.
Afterall, all magic systems are somewhat connected at the root in some shape or form."
She finally closed her book and responded, looking at Alric for the first time since they started to speak. Her bright red eyes pierced him and left him breathless for a few seconds.
"What do you mean by, 'all connected?"
Alric asked rather confused,
"Well, the origin of elemental magic is said to be the gods of the elements who flooded the earth with their breaths and then people used their sheer will, to bend it to their wills.
According to this book, the origin of warlock magic was said to be beast contracts and bloodlines that were exploited to bend the world to their wills."
After she finished her eyes finally drifted off from Alric. She left Alric lost in thought as he considered what she had said, then he asked,
"So does that mean that anyone with a beast contract can become a warlock?"
She burst out in a slight chuckle. After losing her elegant composer for a few seconds, she gathered herself then continued,
"Of course not.
There is a reason why warlock mages are so rare.
It takes centuries and a lot of contracts or blood lines of similar origins inter breeding for a new warlock bloodline to be formed and maintained.
But there have been decent knock offs, such as the Vampires and Werewolves who were both born from exploiting beast contracts with divine level demons."
Her statement left even more questions than answers, but before he could ask she already had gotten up, and turned to leave.
"Wait, can you remind me of your name?"
Alric felt a little embarrassed, he had to admit that he didn't pay enough attention to his other classmates and had already forgotten her name.
She scuffed once more before responding.
"I am Lady Anka Heraldry." she said in a hurry as she made a graceful bow and left. It was obvious she was upset about being forgotten and that was why she reverted to such a formal manner.
Left in a stupor Alric started to devour knowledge and lore. The more he learnt the more questions he had.