The earthquake shook the mansion bringing the entire roof down. The thunder clapped with such force that it temporarily deafened grown men. When the dark heavy clouds separated, the figure of a colossal dragon formed of red electrical bolts descended with an unfathomable speed. 

The mighty figure of a dragon descended on the balcony of Earl Braveheart's mansion, enveloping the entire structure in a blinding crimson radiance.

When the dragon swallowed Trisha, the black balls that normally protected her tried to swarm the electric dragon and simultaneously provide layers of protection around her. But they were instantly vaporized and Trisha found herself at the epicenter of an explosive maelstrom.

The mansion, nearly in its entirety, disintegrated in an instant, reduced to rubble. Only a narrow section leading to Colonel Khan remained miraculously unscathed.

Colonel Khan, undaunted, stood unwavering before the cataclysmic explosion of power . His unwavering gaze fixed upon Trisha. 

As the chaos subsided, a vast crater now lay before Khan, rendering the surroundings akin to a landscape ravaged by a natural disaster.

Khan, feeling satisfied with his work, turned around hoping that the boy he had seen earlier had survived in his shadow. 

"Little boy! Are you still alive?"

Khan shouted at the rubble behind him, hoping to hear a response. But was only answered by silence. 

"Well that is such a pity. He showed so much promise."

Khan clicked his tongue before getting ready to completely tear down the barrier of darkness. 

"This barrier is nothing more than a vessel for amassing darkness mana."

he mused, scrutinizing the faint, inky film lingering in the air.

"As I surmise, the Blackdeath utilizes this domain to reclaim all the expended darkness mana within."

Khan's eyes glowed with red electric bolts as he looked closer. 

"Ah! An airborne microorganism that converts ambient mana into darkness mana for their master's use."

A grin of revelation crossed Khan's face as he grasped the brilliance of the domain.

"With something like this, she could undoubtedly transcend the constraints of her circles."

Khan stopped talking to himself for a moment feeling like he was missing something. But then the missing piece of the puzzle came rushing in like a moving train. 

A diabolical laughter rang out within the domain. 


The body of the Blackdeath that Khan had thought he killed was floating into the air surrounded by eight magic circles and a dense fog of darkness mana. 

"A breakthrough?! At a time like this? Did she break through in the afterlife?!"

Khan stared, dumbfounded, as particles of a ninth circle began to materialize around her suspended form.

"I shall not allow it!"

Khan shouted and followed up by pushing his hands forward and a dense red ball of electricity was sent flying. 

The sheer power behind the Colonel's attack caused stones and debris lying around to gravitate towards the dense ball. 

The ball pierced through the wall of darkness surrounding the Blackdeath layer by layer. Until it made direct contact with the floating body.

Unfortunately when the ball of electricity collided with the body it fizzled out and was absorbed by her. 

Instantly the ninth circle that seemed to be struggling to come into existence appeared with a strong glow and steady rotation. 

For the third time today Colonel Khan was left flabbergasted. 

'Did a mage of the shadow element not only absorb an opposing element but also utilize it to achieve a breakthrough.'

Khan struggled to comprehend the sheer audacity of what he had just witnessed. It was widely known that reaching the ninth circle typically required the assistance of rare artifacts or a more potent mage within the same magic system, and even then, success was far from guaranteed, it was still up to faith and talent. 

But for the Blackdeath to steal his attacks and use it as a catalyst while on the verge of death was simply ludacris. 

Originally Khan regarded an eighth circle mages to be no more than ants while ninth circle mages as little more than puppies. Both equally insignificant but one a little better than the other. 

But now, after inspecting the domain, he understood that the Blackdeath was more than capable of transcending tiers. Afterall, while she was only at the eighth circle she took on multiple or eighth circle mages and paladins and even a few ninth circle mages and paladins. 

A sinister grin spread across Khan's face as he prepared for an exhilarating battle;

[Thunder armor!]

When Khan chanted his personal spell, his golden armor lit up in a red hue and wings made of red electrical arcs erupted from his back. In his hand appeared a red one handed sword made from raw condensed electricity. 

"Give me a worthy battle! Blackdeath!"

Khan's voice resounded, and he surged forward, wreathed in crackling electricity, his blood-red sword poised for combat.