Chapter 26: GIDEON

Yesterday morning had been full of surprises, first someone had leaked the news of our wedding to the papers, which led to my mother calling me and giving me hell. Not only for getting married in a quickie ceremony instead of the bash she would've preferred but also for getting married to someone she'd never met.

I'd calmed her down and given her a little background on my bride without going into too much detail. Afterwards she'd spoken to Ashley on the phone for a while, ending with a planned shopping trip. She'd pass on the news to the others I had no doubt and then we’d be bombarded with family members.

I'd spent the rest of the day fielding calls from friends and business associates wanting to know if the rumors were true. I’m not in the habit of to explaining my actions to anyone so those conversations were short.

Yes I was married no I didn't want to make a statement, that was for the local society columnist who wanted a scoop.