Chapter 58: GIDEON

“I had to do it.” The kid started to shake and I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. My head started to pound, I’d had enough.

“It’s okay Jason. Where’s the body?” I directed my question to Gage and the others.

“Already taken care of.” Fine now I just had to figure out some lie to tell my wife when she came back into the room.

“You don’t ever tell her what you did you hear me Jason?” He just looked up at me trying to be brave but he was just a little boy. A little boy who’d just killed his own father. Will the evil these men set off ever end? I heard her coming back down the hallway and braced myself.

She walked right over to him her eyes searching him for injuries. “Jason what happened? Were you in an accident?” He looked to me to take over. I was still trying to come up with something plausible. “It was a deer baby nothing to worry about.” That seemed to calm her a little bit and she started fussing at him to go clean up and get out of his ruined clothes.