13. Go Back To Bandung

The owner of the Borobudur hotel is Charlos's friend. He can not let himself meet the owner of the hotel. He will find it difficult to explain his closeness to Reva.

"Boss, everything is ready. Please go to the fifth floor. Mr Jack is waiting," said the guard.

Reva nodded. They walked, followed by the guard and another friend.

Charlos whispered, "Hey! You said it was just you and me. There was your guard." His finger pointed at the guard, but his eyes didn't dare look directly at them.

"Weren't we in the car the whole time?" Reva replied as he continued walking.

Charlos sighed. He walked with annoyance while glancing at Reva's guard. Actually, Charlos did not know what Reva would do when he met Jack later. They continued walking towards the elevator and arrived at the fifth floor.

Mr. Jack was waiting. There was a photographer who took some photos of Reva. The guard was busy covering Charlos and Reva. Charlos also covered his face tightly with his hands. Immediately Charlos slipped and got back into the elevator, running away from Reva.

He approached the security guard: "Where are the car keys?" The security guard looked at him in surprise.


Charlos pulled Reva's car keys from the security guard's hands and sped away.

"Sir! Sir!" said the security guard. Charlos ignored him.

He didn't know where to go. Right now, he was really embarrassed and regretful. Why didn't Reva say that there would be reporters there? He didn't want them to post his photo on the internet. He can't let everyone know that he made a scandal with Reva.

Finally, he decided to return to Bandung. Dodging isn't really the solution, but he really shouldn't be seen with Reva. If the media finds out or the CN Group knows about this, the project will end.

Now, he didn't know how to treat Reva. This time, Reva must be very disappointed. Could this be his last meeting with Reva? Accidentally, he was kidnapping Reva's car. Like it or not, they will meet again.

He glanced at his cell phone, stared at Reva's photo, hoping that Reva would call him. But nothing. Charlos hit the steering wheel with his hand, annoyed. He was too cowardly to call first.

But then he typed a message: "I'm sorry, Rev. See you later." Charlos waited a while, and there was no answer.

The car was traveling at high speed. Within two hours, Charlos had arrived in Bandung again. He was queuing at the toll booth. Anyway, his stomach was so hungry.

Suddenly his cell phone rang. Without looking at it, Charlos immediately picked up the phone.


"Charlos? It's me, Satria." Charlos sighed.

"Where are you? Why did you just disappear at church?"

"I'm on my way. Shall we meet? I'm hungry!"

"Okay! Cafe Pasta, okay? As usual."

"I'm leaving now. Bye!" Charlos hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, they met at a cafe in the Progo area. Charlos arrived first. He immediately ordered his favorite Fettucini Carbonara. It wasn't long before Satria came, sat next to him, grabbed Charlos's Lemon Squash, and drank it.

"This is so bad! It's really really bad!" said Satria.

Charlos mouth was full of pasta. He looked at Satria in surprise.

"I went to Carissa's house earlier. I brought her fried rice, but she didn't want to eat it. It was her brother who finished the fried rice. Then, when I went there, I saw she was only wearing a thin shirt and very short pants. Ouch! She is so ... hot ... sexy...." Satria patted his head.

"Mmm ... And then?"

"And then she got mad. Oh no!" Satria covered his face with his hands. Charlos just ignored him, busy eating pasta.

"By the way, you haven't answered my question earlier. Where have you been? You suddenly disappeared."

Charlos finished eating, downed his half cup of Lemon Squash.

"I went to Jakarta."

"Did I hear right? Why did you go there?"

"Don't you remember my story about someone whose name was Reva?" said Charlos carefully. He wiped his lips with a tissue.

"That saxophone player isn't it. Yes, I remember. You're still calling Reva? You're ridiculous. You're not in touch with Reva anymore, right?"

"Last Friday, Reva came here."

Satria was shocked, his mouth opened, and his eyes bulged. "So, where is Reva now? Oh, oh, in Jakarta. I know that you've met Reva, haven't you? But why have you come back again?"

Charlos was silent, looking down while holding his head. "Suddenly there are reporters." Satria glared. "Calm down. I'm one hundred percent sure if I don't get a picture. I just ran away, Sat! That was crazy!" Charlos clenched his fists and smacked them against the table. "I almost got caught by the media."

"Charlos, you don't really like Reva, do you? It's a bit ..." Satria thought hard to find the right words. "terrible. I'm sorry Charlos, but you better not get too close to Reva," said Satria, his face serious.

"If I can, but this is impossible, Sat. This time is our first meeting. But I've just made a mess. You see the sedan up ahead? It's not my car, it's Reva's car. I have to return the car. But I don't know how. What should I say?" Charlos twirled the ice cubes with a straw.

Satria shook his head. "It's easy. We don't have to worry about it. The important thing is that you have to know that being with Reva is not a good thing. I will never agree your relationship. Sorry, Charlos. You have to think it again."

Charlos looked at Satria, his best friend. Satria is right. There would be no one in this world who would agree with his relationship. Maybe Charlos should think about forgetting Reva.

And that will never happen. Charlos's feelings for Reva are getting worse. He will fight all the things that prevent him from loving Reva. Even though Reva only loved him as a friend.

Reva wanted Charlos to act normal. Once again, those words made Charlos think. He was not an ordinary man. He was weird.