33. Goes To Singapore

Today is the sixth. Charlos prepared his suitcase and went to Singapore. And then, he drove himself to Soekarno-Hatta airport in Jakarta using Reva's car. He plans to return it at the Jazz Festival later.

It was a sunny day. The trip to the airport was very smooth. Charlos arrived in two and a half hours. He parked Reva's car, took out his suitcase by himself, and walked towards the international flight gate.

The news on the internet about Charlos and Rissa dancing at the MJ Group wedding was beyond expectation. It was easy for reporters to gossip nonsense about him.

He could only hope that Reva wouldn't be angry with the news because Charlos and Rissa had nothing to do with it at all. Charlos is still thinking of a way to meet Reva.

Reva's face has appeared on TV several times, from infotainment shows to talk shows. However, seeing Reva's face on TV did not cure her longing at all.

His secretary, Rendra, was waiting near the entrance.

They went together to Singapore. This time, the airline departed on time. So, Charlos leaves at half-past eight and arrives at the Singapore airport at half-past eleven.

Charlos checked into a luxurious hotel. The hotel building looked so tall and majestic. There is a swimming pool on the roof of the building where he can see the view of the city of Singapore.

Charlos admired the hotel very much. One day, he also wants to build a hotel in Singapore. However, currently, his business goal is for the tour and travel business. He must get a price that matches what CN Group is offering. This situation is still difficult for him.

The thoughts of the leader of the CN Group, Mr Harry Chen, is difficult to predict. In fact, Charlos hated having to meet this short, stocky man with thin hair. His middle age did not reduce his fitness.

His forehead was vast, a sign of how intelligent he was. His slanted eyes often cast a sharp glare that was very unpleasant. His arrogant and unfriendly attitude almost made Charlos decide to find another business partner. However, if Charlos can work with CN Group, he will profit billions of rupiahs.

On the first day, after they arrived in Singapore, Rendra chose to take a walk there. Charlos didn't come. So, he decided to rest at the hotel because he was tired of this place. He has memorized almost ninety per cent of Singapore's area.

Charlos is still trying to contact Reva. He had called Reva many times, but Reva never picked up the phone. Charlos also attempted to send an email, but Reva never replied.

Charlos sighed. Could it be that Reva was still mad at him because they couldn't meet when he was at the wedding? Reva's tone was so sad; it was hard to forget.

Charlos is still thinking of the right way to meet Reva. He was confused about how he should act or start words in front of Reva. He may have to confess his feelings soon.

Does that make sense? Will Reva accept his love?

Charlos didn't care what happened next because he would just do it. His heart started beating fast. Plans began to form in his head, which made him smile.

Reva really has been occupying his mind all this time, although there are occasional reflections of Rissa. However, Charlos always tries to remove other distractions because he only wants to focus on Reva. He wanted to prove himself about the truth of his love for Reva.

That afternoon, Charlos, Rendra, and Mr Harry Chen, the leader of CN Group, had a formal meeting followed by dinner at a fine restaurant.

The next day, they travelled to the CN Group company for a meeting regarding business discussions. It was a lot like a new manager training event.

The speakers looked so excited. They explained about the tour program, which Charlos was already very familiar with it. They clapped their hands, shouted slogans.

Charlos bore the emcee's style. Sleepiness is gone; tension is in action. As they got to the point of the conversation, Harry Chen's sly face came into view. The stocky man deliberately postponed his decision until tomorrow.

Saturday arrived. Charlos again held a meeting with CN Group. Surprisingly enough, CN Group withdrew the approval of the business agreement until the following month. They still cannot confirm whether the value of Golden Group's shares will increase in connection with this business.

"Damn! Do they think it is just a joke?" Charlos punched his fist as they exited the meeting room. Rendra watched him. Anyway, they kept walking back to the hotel.

After a tiring meeting, occasionally, Charlos checks his cell phone and still hope there is news from Reva. Unfortunately, no messages came in.

Charlos huffed in annoyance. He and Rendra were preparing to return to Indonesia on the last flight. They will arrive at half-past seven.

There's still plenty of time to get ready for the Jazz Festival. So, he checked his email. He was surprised when he got a reply.

"Semeru Garuda Indonesia Hall at half past ten. Okay? You won't run away from me again, right? I know and understand very well that you are embarrassed to be seen with me. Even so, I still hope that you really come to see my performance at the Festival Jazz. I'm so sorry for not replying your messages soon. I've been very busy. I know you're very busy too. See you later. Miss you. –Rev-"

"Wow!" Charlos cheered, overjoyed. Rendra glanced at him, confused.

"What's the matter, Sir? Does it have anything to do with Miss Carissa?" Rendra giggled.

Charlos gasped, automatically hiding his phone in his coat pocket. "This is none of your business!"

Rendra was surprised and then looked down. "I'm so sorry, Sir."

Charlos waited until Rendra didn't notice him anymore, then he replied to Reva's email.

"I'll definitely come, Rev! I don't have to be ashamed to be seen with you. Well, I will meet you tonight. I miss you too. –Charl-"

Luckily, Charlos and Rendra arrived at the Jakarta airport on time. They arrived precisely at half-past seven. After they took their respective luggage, Charlos parted with Rendra.

Charlos glanced at his watch; it looked like he still had plenty of time. So, he walked towards the parking lot and was carrying his suitcase.

The streets looked wet after the rain and the night air was quite cold. So, Charlos pulled his coat close.

Charlos continued walking towards Reva's car. He opened the trunk and put his suitcase in there. Then, just as he was about to open the door, someone was inside.