52. The Threat

Rissa gasped. She raised her hand and slapped Charlos. Anyway, she pushed Charlos with all her might, but Charlos didn't move.

Rissa turned quickly, unlocked the door, which thankfully was still hanging there. She darted away from the Golden Group building. Well, Rissa will not look back again.

The sun was almost setting. This time indicates that her story with Charlos has ended. There are no memories left. Rissa couldn't count it as a kiss because Charlos was so rude.

Rissa wiped her cheeks wet with tears. She promised herself that she would never see Charlos again. After all, Charlos had signed the contract agreement. So, she doesn't need to see that guy again.

Rissa was determined not to join the choir anymore. So, she wouldn't have to see Charlos there again. However, it's useless; the busy man is unlikely to commit to following the drama and performing at the Christmas celebration.