103. Viovio Beach

One day, Nicholas took Rissa for a walk to Viovio beach. The journey there is quite far. After crossing the bridge, they finally arrived there. Rissa was amazed because the seawater was very clear. There is a wood stuck on the beach with a swing that hangs high.

Rissa wanted to try the swing, but she was afraid she would fall into the water and drown. She couldn't swim at all. So, Nicholas rented a gazebo. They both relax there, accompanied by fresh and sweet young coconuts.

The sun began to set. Its golden-red light looks beautiful and hypnotizing.

"That reminds me. We were here with James, the three of us," Nicholas said.

"Oh yes," said Rissa. "It was still the rainy season. I didn't bring a jacket, and the wind was so hard," said Rissa, spreading her hand until it hit Nicholas's nose.


Risa giggled. "Sorry."

Nicholas rubbed his nose. "You're so excited when you're talking."