132. Breakfast With Charlos

Charlos hugged Rissa tightly as if he didn't want to let her go. The man did not know how much Rissa's heart was sorrowful and hurt, knowing the fact that Charlos's mother had set him up with someone.

It seems that matchmaking in the upper classes like Charlos usually happens. Rissa doesn't know if it's because their respective parents have made a promise before, or it could be because it has something to do with business matters.

Rissa feels like a nobody. Even so, her heart knew for sure that Charlos did love her. It's just, why do various kinds of trials always block their relationship? Rissa wanted to scream.

She also wants a compatible boyfriend who loves her and will always be hers. Is that wishing too much? All she has right now is Charlos's heart, which sincerely loves her. Rissa also loved Charlos very much, even loved him too much.