154. Busy

That afternoon at the office. Charlos just had a meeting with the staff. Several jobs awaited him. Actually, Charlos had chosen the wrong day to go to Batam. His work is hectic.

Charlos had to go through several CVs and select them for the general manager position at his hotel in Jakarta. He should also check the expense report's folder and sign other documents.

Charlos is going to have lunch with the owner of the travel company. So, he had to finish all the paperwork before lunch.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Charlos hadn't let him in yet, but the door was already open. It was Rendra. Sometimes, the secretary couldn't hear his voice because he had entered his room too many times that he tended to enter without knocking first.

"What's wrong, Ren?" asked Charlos, putting on a sour face.

Rendra walked over to his desk, holding a tab. "Excuse me, Sir have you finished signing the expense report document?"

"Not yet."