163. Irreplaceable

"We've had a fight," answered Rissa. "I can't explain it in detail."

"Dad and I have given our blessing. Why are you guys still fighting? Is it that bad?" her mother asked.

"Yeah, you could call it bad. It's okay, Mom. I really have to go back to Bandung to sort this out."

"Then what about your online sales? Are you going to stop selling too?"

"No, Mom. I'll keep selling. I'll take all those clothes to Bandung."

"Then how about singing? Isn't your dream to become a singer?"

Risa nodded slowly. "Yes, Mom. I really wanted to be a singer, but I had to quit JazzGuy."

Her mother sighed sadly. "You gave up everything you had just to be close to Charlos. You know, I could take back my blessing."

"Please, don't take your blessing back, Mom." Rissa immediately squeezed her mother's hand.

"Charlos is a bad man! He's taken my only daughter!" cried her mother in a trembling voice.