180. The Wound

Rissa received the ID card and read it.

Alvin Cahyadi. There is a photo of Alvin with a stiff face without a smile. The address is Green Pine Regency–luxury housing and quite famous in the Dago area. Rissa looked at his date of birth; Alvin is six years older than her. That means Alvin is the same age as Charlos.

And it turns out Alvin is not married. It made Rissa feel relieved. Better to go in a car with an unmarried man. If Alvin is married, Rissa will feel guilty for his wife.

Rissa smiled and returned Alvin's ID card. "You don't have to give me your ID card. Fine. I'm in your car now."

"Okay, let's go."

Alvin looked excited. Then he got in and started the engine of his Fortuner. The car is huge and comfortable.

Rissa opened the bottle of mineral water and drank a lot. Then she saw Betadine in her shopping bag, but she would not use it in front of Alvin.

"Rissa, where did you hurt?" Alvin asked, occasionally glancing at her.