Chapter 28: The Virgin´s Valentines, Part 1, Where Else?

And so, it is Valentine´s Day, and who would I spend it with except my Master and Michael?

“Charlotte,” says my Master. “You look like trouble, trying to find somewhere to happen.”

I suck in my cheeks, trying not to giggle. I´ve always detested giggling girls and am determined not to be one of them. But behind me, I hear a low chuckle from the rear seat of the car.

Michael places a hand on my shoulder. “He´s right, Charlotte,” he says quietly. “What are you thinking about?”

I turn to see his face, smiling. “What do you think I´m thinking about, Michael?”

He grins. “Aaahhhh... Good.”

I wonder where we are going this time; my Master, with his dark, lean saturnine looks and a voice like wild silk. And Michael, stocky, muscular, blond, my Golden Angel, who loves me.

“So, what are we doing today? Where are we going?” I ask.

My Master glances at me from his driving. “Back to our old place Charlotte. Where you and I first, um, consummated, our agreement.”