Chapter 34: The Virgin´s Master, Part 2, Angry?

Michael pushes at my thighs, parting them further, delving in more deeply. My Master responds by reaching forward, hooking his hands behind my knees to lift my legs up and back, exposing me fully to Michael´s searching tongue. My Golden Angel plunges his tongue deep into my pussy, probing and swirling, as I wail my rising passion.

My head resting back against my Master´s chest, his words are whispered close to my ear. “Angry? How could I be angry with you, Charlotte?”

I glance up and back, just in time to see my Master and Michael, momentarily lock eyes again. Abruptly, the two men both stand up; my Master heaving me upright with him, and then, as he steps away to one side, propelling me to Michael.

Michael catches me, and then immediately pushes me back down again, flat on my back on the mattress. As I lie there, my breath slightly knocked away, Michael shucks off his pants and clambers atop me, straddling my chest. My Master also is stripping off to one side of us.