Chapter 37: The Virgin´s Lover, Part 1, Peace and Quiet

I step into my Master´s apartment. “Hellooo... Anyone around?”, I call out, kicking off my shoes at the door.

“Hi, Charlotte.” It is Michael, all smiles, arms held out in welcome. “It´s lovely to see you again,” he says.

I step into his embrace and he kisses me, lightly, his lips just brushing mine.

I glance around. “Just you?”

“James will be back later. He has some work to do today, but he said to say to you to make yourself at home.” He glances down at my bags, various textbooks and folders sticking out of the top. “It looks as though you have work to do as well?”

“Exams next week. I needed some peace and quiet to revise, so he said I could stay here for a few days.”

Michael laughs. “Peace and quiet? While you´re here? With us?”

“Well, we can´t er... you know... all the time, can we? And at least afterwards, I´m nice and relaxed to get some hard studying done.”