Chapter 47: The Virgin´s Choices, Part 3, Self Defence

“Why don´t you and Michael, or the three of you, join us?” he invites, gesturing towards a darkened room.

“Thanks, Steve, but we already have plans for this evening,” says Michael.

Thank God.

It occurs to me that I do not want my ´intense´ experience to be with these two.

Michael gives my arm a surreptitious squeeze, drawing me in my Master´s direction. Across the room, he is watching us carefully.

“Aw, c´mon,” says Marcie, pawing at Michael. “It´ll be fun.”

He politely steps back from her again, taking me with him. But the two follow us, crowding our space.

´Steve´ strokes my arm and I flinch. “I´d certainly like to get to know you better, Charlotte.”

“Yes, Charlotte. We all want to know what it is you do, that keeps these two hooked...”

Who does this bitch think she is?

Michael has already said No. And her nasty Partner/Master can keep his uninvited hands off me.