Chapter 82: The Virgin´s Summer, Part 33, Consequences

Michael wraps an arm around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. “He´ll come round. He´s had a rough ride the last day or two. Let him calm down, and he´ll be himself again.”

But he doesn´t come round. My Master sits, by himself, in the lounge all day.

The following day, it is the same. He sits alone, brooding.

I make a pot of coffee, strong, the way he likes it. Timidly, I tap on the door. “I brought you coffee, Master.”

“Fine. Leave it on the table.” He doesn´t look at me.

“I´m going for a walk, on the beach. Would you like to come with me?”


Fighting back tears, I put on a jacket and head outside. I pass Michael.

“I´m going for a walk.”

“Want company?” asks Michael.

“No, I´m fine. I just want some fresh air. I won´t go far.”

He nods, looking unhappy, and I wander off, down to the sea.