Chapter 102: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 13, Harassment

Up in Reception, my Master vanishes into his office to fetch the files he needs for the meeting. I am about to leave for my own office when Richard flags me down from the Conference Room.

“Charlotte, don´t disappear. Fetch your notebook. I want you as Meeting Secretary for this one.”

I follow him in, along with the rest of the attendees, trying to identify the Thorntons. I assume that they are the two men, one elderly, one much younger, who sit to one side of Richard.

Another man, whom I don´t recognise, starts to seat himself several chairs away, then sees me. He looks again, very unsubtly checking me out. I look away, but he moves from his original seat to the one next to mine. He does not, however, sit in it.

Instead, he perches on the edge of the desk next to me. He´s good-looking, in an oily sort of way, but his smile is pasted on, fake.

“Well. Hi there. You´re new, aren´t you?”