Chapter 99: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 10, The Photograph


I look through old papers, riffling through, seeing snatches of words, phrases...´Ward of the court´...´, ...taken into care...´, ´...single parent deemed unfit...´

...and stapled to the paper, an old photograph, tiny, curled up at the corners and badly creased.

A woman looks out at me; young, pale-skinned and red-haired. Her eyes are badly shadowed. She looks ill. On the back, a name, “Michelle Conners.”



After a few minutes of talking quietly with Richard, Will turns back to Charlotte.

“Charlotte... Miss Conners?

She holds a small, very dog-eared photo in her hand, her eyes glossy. “Yes, Mr Stanton? And it´s okay. It´s ´Charlotte´.” Her former antagonism has vanished.

Will hesitates, looking at the photo in her hand. “Thank you, Charlotte. And it´s ´Will´.”

She nods, smiling. He continues. “Charlotte. I can´t give you that file, but there´s no reason I can´t have it scanned and copied for you, including the photo, if you would like?”