Chapter 128: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 39, Richard´s Motives


Later, when we are alone, “It´s very good of you, Richard, to put yourself out like this on Charlotte´s behalf. I appreciate that it´s in thanks for what she did for Beth, but nonetheless...”

Raising his brows. “Don´t be fooled, Michael. Yes, it´s partly in thanks. She craves education and training. I´ll see that she gets it. But, I don´t have to bring her into my company as a ´thank you´. It´s mainly a cold commercial decision on my part.”

“Sorry... Not with you?”

“Sooner or later, I want her on my Board.”


“On your Board?”

“She´s got intelligence, looks, a driving personality, and balls of solid rock. What more could I ask? Once she´s trained up and knows what she´s doing, she´ll be a power to be reckoned with.” He rubs his hands, almost gleefully. “Let´s see the other shareholders stand in her way when she decides she wants something...” Then he sniffs. “On the whole, I want her working with and for me, not someone else...”