Chapter 157: The Master´s Wife´s Birthday, Part 5, The Dirty Halo


Michael drops to my pussy, licking and sucking deeply into my entrance, making a dancing magic of his mouth and lips, as he fathoms me with his tongue. My wailing becomes howling...

Oh God...

“Michael... Please...”

He stands, his body language changing. He knows I´m ready. All trace of seduction has vanished. His teeth flashing white against his tan, he has the face and eyes of an angel, but now I see the devil inside...

Inside, I chuckle to myself. I always thought that angel had a dirty halo...

And right now, it´s hitting the ground with a clang...

Business-like, he strips off his jeans, shucking them to one side, all the time holding my eyes with his.

He´s ready too...

His erection quivers upright by his stomach, glistening at the tip. He is... not exactly smiling... but his eyes are intense with a clean lust that makes me want to lay myself open to him and fuck him to a standstill.