Chapter 164: The Virgin´s Real Christmas, Part 4, Not Just Christmas Dinner...


Beth is blushing... and when I look at her, she drops her gaze.


This isn´t about just Christmas dinner, then...

Then I chuckle.

“What´s funny?” asks Richard. But there´s a twinkle in his eye that says he knows exactly what is funny.

“If you knew how many times this morning James has stopped me cornering Charlotte and um... wishing her a Merry Christmas.”

Eyes crinkling, he starts to reply, but...

“Are you going to keep them on the doorstep all day?” asks James from over my shoulder.

“Oh, I´m sorry,” I apologise. “You caught me by surprise. I´m not thinking straight...” I cast a glance back at James. “Someone kept me in the dark about this.” He looks entirely unrepentant, simply giving me a ´Who? Me?´ kinda look...

Charlotte´s voice echoes down the hall. “Who is it?”

“Come and look,” I shout.