Pressed Charges

Xiajun found himself driving once again, his mind on too many things to focus. He didn't feel at all tired anymore after a night's good sleep, and his bruises were already fading. He thought he finally felt normal again, but what he needed right now was a trip to Guangzhou Police Station.

His unannounced arrival would certainly not be answered in kind, but he had to see if Luo Junjie was actually in their custody and to see what lawyer he had arranged for himself, if he had finally woken up. 

Because a trial only two days away meant that Junjie needed the best help possible if he so wanted to get an unguilty verdict, and Xiajun didn't want that for him.

"Good morning," he muttered to the guards on both sides of the police station entryway. Their eyes widened when they realized who he was and they didn't stop him from going inside.