Something's Fishy

"And what did you say your name was again?" 

"Mei," she answered.

Xiajun smiled as he looked at the girl with interest. She seemed to be even more nervous then Sana had been. Surely, she wasn't hiding something?

"Mei." Xiajun nodded as he wrote it down. "And how old did you say you were?"

"18-" her voice came out hoarse. She cleared her throat and started again. "I'm 18 years old. Yes."

"Oookay, and you were friends with Maria?"

The girl nodded vigorously. Xiajun remembered how Minnie had told him last night that Mei seemed to despise Maria, and instantly he knew he shouldn't trust her.

"And what do you think about this place?" he asked, gesturing around him.

"I-It's a lovely room."

"I meant the Crystal House, not the bedroom, Mei."

"Oh." Mei blinked, turning red with embarrassment. "I-I think it's not very bad, especially considering how Madame let me stay here without working until I turned 18."