When they walked into the bathroom together, Xiajun did not expect to see Minnie down on her knees, holding onto the toilet bowl as she hurled into it.
He froze in the doorway, watching as Lili went and rubbed her shoulders in order to comfort her, but Minnie took no notice as she heaved again, a fresh supply of puke going straight into the toilet. Xiajun scrunched up his nose as the stink of vomit wafted towards him.
When Minnie finally turned around and saw him, she gave a weak nod in acknowledgement.
"Oh, Detective. . ." she said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve, her face a strange shade of green. She ducked her head. "How do you d-" But before she could finish her sentence, she gagged and hurled again as more puke hit the toilet bowl.