Happy Hour

As I was sitting in my little cubbyhole in the ceiling. I looked down on all of the humans that just finished pulverizing the centipede. They were talking amongst themselves but naturally I couldn't make heads or tails about what they were saying. I mean I could understand what feeling they were conveying but that was it, the rest sounded like gibberish. Man... Am I going to have to find some kind of preschool to sneak in and learn this language?

Upon closer inspiration I saw that some or the patrons were wherein't actually completely human. There were some that had animalistic traits like animal ears and tails along with sharp teeth and long claws instead of finger nails. I saw some who had rabbit ears, dog ears, and of course the infamous cat ears. A chill went up my spine when I remembered my encounter with that cat-girl with the spear.

Then there were the ones that looked mostly human man but they were a little taller than average and had long pointed ears. I'll assume those are classic elves just like any fantasy game or book EVER! They all weren't using weapons like swords or shields only magic staffs or bows they must not be very physically strong. But then there were some of them that were the complete opposite, they were short and stocky, with long beards and hardy looking bodies. The only thing that separated them from humans was how short they were. It was kind of comedic actually, my money's on them being dwarfs. And then there were humans, nothing special about them just your run-of-the-mill featherless bipeds.

I grew confidence in my hiding spot and decided to relax a little. There were a bunch more people at the bar now and many more outside checking out the chaos that the centipede had caused. Many still had worried looks on their faces but they were all being claimed down by the bar staff. I truly feel sorry for them, they were just enjoying a nice drink when they got interrupted by a huge bug that found its way into their building. Thankfully no one got hurt.

I was admiring the view of so many different races when I spotted one animal person that didn't quite sit well with me. They had round ears and a long slender tail. At first I thought they were part Rat but then I took a closer look with analysis.

Species: Mouse-kin Lv.1

Class: None


Str:9 Dex:19 Con:14 Int:18 Wis:4 Cha:16

Skills: None

Mouse-Kin? What is that supposed to mean? So they're part mouse? Then I got some feeling that was boiling inside me, Hatred. But why? They haven done anything to me. Is this another case of my rat instincts? Do rats and mice naturally hate each other in this world? I shook my head and dismissed the thought before I accidentally did something drastic.

I Took some deep breaths to calm myself down. It was like not having control over your own thoughts. If that'll happen every time I run into a Mouse-kin then I'm better off avoiding them, I don't want to cause unnecessary panic. Especially now that I'm a wanted rat.

After a few more hours the commotion had died down and the hole that the centipede left was covered up. The sun was starting to set and there were barely any people at the pub. Everyone was pretty absent minded, some were having a pint and others were playing card games. The bartenders were just cleaning up the place. I saw my chance and took it.

I dropped down from the ceiling and landed on the hardwood floor with a thud. I could've tried sneaking down safely but there was a high chance someone strong would see me. A lone barmaid that was sweeping the floor when she saw me. She let out a big shriek and pointed towards me. Crap, why do women always yell!? I dashed out the open door as the barmaid tried to hit me with her broom.

As I was running down the street avoiding people. I was planning out what I should do next. I could find the sewers and hide out there but I don't know whether or not there would still be some strong people down there. Or I could hide up here in plain sight, maybe in some poor area with the common folk. That could be the best option right now, a rat won't seem out of place in some slum. But first I need to get to higher ground to get a better view of the area.

I looked around frantically going from street to street. I saw a building that looked like a church. It wasn't massive but it was taller than every other building. The bell tower looks like an excellent vantage point. I started climbing it, using my rat agility along with prior knowledge to scale the building's walls. Since I'm a rat, this is comparable to free climbing a mountain. I eventually made it up to the bell tower, exhausted from scaling the church.

The view was amazing. Hundreds of buildings for miles around, people going about their own lives, A large castle looming over everything, a large brick wall encasing all of it, and a beautiful orange sunset as the final cherry on top. I took a deep breath and just appreciated it for a bit… ok appreciation over. I started scanning the area looking for any indication of a rundown area. There was a small block of old looking buildings to the east on the castles right and facing away from the sun which always sets on the west.

I climbed down from the tower, I tried not to make too much of a racket as there were still a few people on the streets. I started walking in the direction I saw those buildings in. Hopefully I can find a comfortable spot to hide in till morning. Not much happened along the way thankfully.

When I reached the slums I was surprised there were a lot more people outside than I expected. There were a bunch of different shifty people, Some people that looked high on something, and a bunch of women with more than revealing clothes. Ahh, just like home. Some of the buildings had colorful signs With provocative displays and had men walking into them. Is this some kind of red-light district?

Well, it'll have to do.

After exploring for a bit I found a building with a small hole in the side. I went inside and as my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw that I was below the building's flooring. I walked deeper inside and saw a bunch of blue rats huddled together. They noticed me and at first I got worried but then I remembered how weak they are. "Fellas I know you were here first but won't you help a brother out?" I said to them.

They were squeaking amongst themselves. One of the rats detached from the group and ran towards me baring its sharp buck teeth. I was unamused. I let it bite me, to show them the difference in strength. Of course it was too weak to even affect me so I Grabbed it neck and removed it's head from the rest of its body. I threw the severed head at the group as a show of dominance. They were trembling in fear. "Heh heh." I chuckled.

(Blue Rat has been defeated)

(Exp has been gained)

I Curled up into a ball and tried to catch some sleep.