Episode 7

Eva was feeling warmth in her heart . She was married to famous businessman Ethan Tylor , owner of Tylor industries.

Her marriage was a business arrangement between two business families.

Her father and Ethan's father wanted to merge their business. They had a grand wedding witnessed by a large number of people around the world and covered by the media all over.

After spending eight years in her loveless marriage , Grayson is the only happiness she found for her. Her son.. Her whole world revolved around her son.

She sighed silently looking at her watch. Her husband would be there for breakfast anytime. She thought and started making breakfast .

Ethan Tylor the famous business tycoon , the ruthless and cold hearted man was her husband. He was known to be a play boy before their marriage. He almost dated every model and actress. But after he got married he had never been seen with any girl other than his wife.

He was a man with his own principles. When he took over his family business , he became the most ruthless and cold hearted business man who didn't think from his heart.

Eva was in love with him for 2 years before their marriage. When her parents proposed an arranged marriage with Ethan , she was over the moon. He was her first crush.

But reality hit her hard after marriage that her cold hearted devilishly handsome husband had no time for love. He was busy every time.

They even didn't go on honeymoon because Ethan was working on a deal that time.He never used to talk to her beside family and their son.She always craved for his affection and attention.

He gave her everything but his heart .

After Grayson was born , she poured her all love to her son and now she was happy in this arrangement. She was happy atleast Ethan was hers. They both now had a son which would make their connection strong.

Inside her, in a corner of her heart there was still a hope that someday maybe Ethan would learn to love her. She crossed her fingers with this thought.


She was in a party when Her phone started ringing. Seeing it was from home she instantly picked up.

" Hello Mary ? What happened? " she asked Grayson's nanny Mary.

" Madam Grayson is having a fever. He is crying and asking for you. " Mary told her " That's why I bothered you in the middle of the party. "

" Oh my baby ." Eva cried in her heart. " Mary , I am coming home . Please give him some medicine. "

"Okay madam. " Mary replied.

Eva disconnected the phone and went straight to Ethan who was laughing with his people enjoying his success party.

" Ethan !" Eva tugged his arm.

" Eva can't you see I am in the middle of a conversation." Ethan said with a cold expression.

" I know but this is important . It's about our son Grayson. " Eva whispered , hoping no one noticed the trembling in her voice.

Ethan grabbed her hand , almost dragging her through the crowd to a corner . His expressions were now scary enough . His eyes were shooting daggers towards her. She knew by the looks he was very angry.

" Why do you always behave childish Eva? When will you learn that my work is more important than your nonsense talk ? " Saying this he jerked her hand with force and left to join his people again.

Eva silently cried in pain shooting through her arm. Tears started pooling in her blue eyes.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her palm. This pain was nothing to the pain in her heart.

She looked once again towards her cruel husband who was busy speaking to his business guests and left the venue with hurried steps . No one would notice her absence. Her husband would definitely not mind her missing the party.

With this thought tears again started running out her eyes. She stopped a taxi outside and took a seat. After giving instructions to the driver she called home to know how's her now and to inform Mary that she is coming .

Rain was pouring down the road as her eyes were also pouring with the thought that Ethan didn't love anyone other than his work. Not his son. Last hope of love in her heart died with this thought.

She told the cab driver to drive fast . She wanted to reach home soon . She had made her decision. She had already wasted her youth in this marriage . Now it's time to make a decision for her son and herself...


Hi my lovely reader❤️

Want to read how he is going to win her back?

I skipped some chapters and parts of it

If you want to read further plase go to the Dreame app and read full story there.

Story name - I found you again...

Author's name-Stu B

See you soon 😍