How To Riot Like A Boss

|| Fabe's POV||


I'm lying down in our dorm room.

How'd I get here?

What's this red silky stuff that covers my eyes?

I can't see!

I begin wriggling around like a worm trying to get free of the silky monster that has ensnared me when I am suddenly held in place by two clawed arms.

"Fabe. What the hell are you doing?"

"Bliss? You gotta free me from this thing covering my eyes man!" I plead, ready to have this curse of blindness removed from me immediately.

My sister sighs and brushes the red thing out of the way, restoring my sight.

"I thank you dear sister. What was it anyways" I thank her as relief washes over my whole body.

"It's your hair. Your headband isn't on"


"Now stop doing that 'oooooooh' thing in your head and follow me! Shit's going down right now!" My little sister dragged me to my feet and sloppily put my headband around my head.

"Thanks.. who took it anyway and why is it's color dulled?" I asked, horrified by the sight of my favorite and only headpiece drained of it's colors.

"That's it's natural color. The reason why it was such a dark red color was because it was dried blood! How long has it been since you washed it?!" She shouted on me while shoving me out the door and in the direction of the school.

"Oh. So that's what that metallic stench was..."

As we neared the school, the sound of about a hundred voices chanting something became louder and louder.

"Hm? What happened when I fell asleep? Why did I fall asleep anyways?!" I asked in great confusion. Too many things were happening at the same time.

"Brook's been rallying a few of her Ronald-Hating buddies and some humans and started a protest in the school courtyard. I tried looking for the Mary-Sues but it seems like they've been sent somewhere else"

"Oh Shit. What of Skully and Fro?"

"Brook let loose the protestors on them and they're fighting for their lives. Lofī and Toni aren't gonna last much longer"

Hearing this I tensed my leg muscles and sped up ahead of Bliss, running full speed in the direction of the noise to save my family.

|| Skully's POV||

I spat blood out of my mouth as one more of the protestors dropped unconscious next to me. hand is barely healed up and I've been thrown into yet another battle...

A dog Kemeno rammed into my side and before I fell I charged my entire body with lightning, sending thousands of volts into his body and shocking him into the spirit world.

I spotted Brook's dark green hair in the distance and tried walking to her before my legs gave out under me, sending me crashing to the hard ground unceremoniously.

" legs....gave up on me...I have to..reach...Brooklyn...!" I dug my arms into the ground and dragged myself along slowly, surrounding my body in a small protective covering of my greenish-yellow lightning.

Unfortunately I was so exhausted my little defense was broken by a kick to my ribs from a nearby Enhanced Type protestor. Another person, a human female this time joined him in beating the crap outta me. One more individual joined them.

And another.

And another.

More and more of the protestors piled on me, kicking and stomping and punching in various places.

All I could do was curl up into a ball and hope for the best.

"..heh...who would've thought... I'd this..."

I offered a silent prayer to all the deities I knew and gathered all my remaining strength to create one final burst of lightning energy just as something or someone blasted the mob of Types and humans off me.

"Heh...I knew you'll make it..."

It's Fabian and Bliss, both of them with that classic Ronald fire burning in their eyes.

"Skully! Are you alright?" Bliss examined me with concern while Fabian was trembling in barely contained rage.

"Where's Brook" he asked without even looking at us, his hair casting an ominous shadow over his glowing, red eyes.

I pointed in the direction I saw her last and he nodded his head solemnly.

"Bliss. Guard him with your life" he commanded and ran off, leaving a trail of broken bodies and blood in his path.

||Brook's POV||

Hm? What's this...why do I feel like all my actions and thought are being seen by some unseen presence..?

I stand in the middle of the chaos my protestors created, a small smile on my lips as the thought of ending the Ronalds once and for all came to me.

I can finally get vengeance on them for what they did all those years ago...

They might not remember it but I's a memory that can never leave me...

I glance down at Cyan, the ghost girls quaking violently in fear of the violence that was going down all around her.

I don't want her to feel this way but in making an omelette I guess a few eggs have to broken. Soon it will all be over...

"Something's up boss!" Mad-Lass exclaimed as she ran through the crowd towards me.

"And that is?" I raise an eyebrow, irritated, I hate when things don't go according to plan.

"Emergence of Fabian Ronald? He and his sister alongside the two other Pro-Ronald supporters, Toni and Lofī are fighting back with renewed strength...our numbers are steadily dropping... only good thing now is the fact that one of them, Skully is out of commission and the fact that Dan just captured Fro!" She listed off everything she had come to tell me.

I closed my eyes and folded my arms.

"I have only one question. Who is who amongst these people?"

Mad-Lass deadpanned and adjusted the shades that constantly obscured her eyes.

"Fabian is Red-Ronald, Bliss is Pink-Ronald, Fro is Brown-Ronald and Skully is Cap-Ronald. Toni is Wolf-Child and Lofī is Coat-Girl"

"Oh thanks for the reminder...any word on their directions? I think I shall attend to them personally"

She shrugged and shook her head.

"No word boss. But Fro and Dan should be here right about now. I suggest using the Brown-Ronald to lure Red-Ronald over to you so you can finish him off. He seems to be the main resistance source!"

I nod silently and tie my green hair into a scraggly ponytail behind my head as I feel my muscles tensing in growing anticipation.

This is going to be interesting.