Thou Art Fucked

|| Fabe's POV||

I slam the makeshift concreted hammer into the back of Brook's skull with all my strength, making her stagger for a bit and giving me enough time to think of a way to beat her.

Gripping the hammer tighter I swing it into her right knee, dropping her momentarily and giving me enough room to use a move I saw in an anime and sometimes used to practice on Skully when we were little. He thought I forgot about it.

I didn't.

"Piiiiiiiillle....Haaaa-" I'm stopped midway however by Brook's large-as-fuck hand wrapping around my face and slamming me into the ground, successfully breaking some of my ribs.

"Damnit Ronald! That hammer hurt!" I notice blood dripping down her neck as she grips my face tighter and lifts me off the ground like a girl playing with an unfortunate doll and flings me into a wall.

Before I can even manage to get my bearings ( or is it find my bearings? See my bearings? BEAR MY BEARINGS?!), Brook is ramming her overly muscled shoulder into my chest and sending me through yet another wall( we'll make a good demolition team y'know) and into what must be the hallways, judging by all the lockers and whatnot.

I look up from my nice position on the cracked floor, and Brook is standing right over me.

"I've been wanting to do this for a looooooong time" she smirks as her hair casts a dark shadow over her eyes, giving them a somewhat otherworldly glow as she begins ripping the rest of her sweater off her body.

"E-eh?! B-B-Brook! The hell are you doing?! Isn't this plan getting a l-little ext-t-treme?!" I manage to mumble while frantically waving my arms, praying to God that Brook wasn't planning whatever I was thinking.

"Hm? Fuck are you saying Red-Ronald?" She rips off the remaining bits of her sweater to reveal a black sleeveless top with some edgy pic printed on it.


"Good" she sits on top of my stomach with so much force I involuntarily spit blood unto her face.

Before I can get a word out, her fists are slamming into my face, the force must be equal to being hit with a shovel....or a sack of bricks..

I stretch my good arm across my face in an attempt to reduce the impact of the blows, but that seems futile as with each punch to the forearm I feel and hear the bones in my forearm get turned into toothpicks.

It goes on for what seems like hours, the blows are seemingly endless and she doesn't seem to get tired, just grinning madly and muttering about "getting justice" like a crazy person.. which she probably was.

My right eye is swollen close, and I can barely breathe, both my arms are worthless and I'm pretty sure I swallowed a tooth. I can feel my consciousness fading and with the rejuvenated shouts and cries coming from outside I figure nobody is coming to my aid anytime soon.

So this is what death feels like. Heh. I guess this is it. I wonder if there's a PS4 in the afterlife...




I leave the you....

Just as I am about to complete my awesome death speech in my head, and probably die, I smell something.

Two somethings.

And they're heading our way.

I smile. A wounded, broken and bloody smile, but a smile no less.

Brook's smirk disappears as she sees me smile through the blows.

"The heck is there to smile about Ronald... finally realizing that my cause was and is greater than yours. That I am finally getting the justice I so deserve?" She grins wickedly and folds her arms, her fists are now gloves made out of fresh, grade-A, Ronald blood.

"I'm smiling"

We both hear a rumble, followed by a boom accompanied by some greenish-yellow sparks of electricity. I hear a hiss too.


And with that, another one of the many, many walls of our school is demolished and out of the newly created hole come a certain pink haired reptile and a sleepy boy.

Both are extremely pissed.

"What..." Skully growls.

"Have you done...." Bliss follows him up, it's almost like they rehearsed it.


|| Brook's POV||

"Three Ronalds in one place? This is my lucky day! I get to squash all of you in one fell swoop!" I spread my arms apart, welcoming the chance to get rid of my enemies once and for all.

Both of the Ronalds are silent. It's the most serious I've ever seen them from what little I've observed.

The Cap-Ronald...I think his name is Skully takes a step forward and suddenly my instincts are screaming at me to retreat.

What the-?

I barely blink when he's already in front of me, electricity crackling all over the place as he lands a well placed knee to my stomach.

The initial impact is barely enough to daze me, I scoff and grab a hold of his leg, attempting to swing him into the wall when what I estimate to be a billion volts (I'm being sarcastic or whatever you cunts) are sent into my body, nearly making me drop dead on the floor.

Before I'm able to recover from the literal shock I can feel something sharp sink into my calf, I look down and notice Pink-Ronald has sunk her teeth into my flesh and is refusing to let go.

"Grrrr! Stop that!" I slam my leg into the wall, hoping to shake her off but she's sunk in deep.

"I won't die until all of you Ronalds are dead-" somebody kicks me in the torso and sends me into a wall, I can hear the loud and unpleasing breaking of my ribs as I stand to my feet, breathing hard and fast.

Skully is walking towards me slowly, and I notice the Pink one is no longer attached to my calf. Probably attending to her wounded brothers.

Skully wordlessly cracks his knuckles, his orange eyes shining inexplicably in the ruined hallway.

"You hurt my brothers. I'll never forgive you for that" he speaks in a monotonous voice, as he walks toward me.

My instincts are screaming at me by now and I can feel myself shaking.

"Want to do something about it? Come beat me first..." I flex my muscles and run towards him at top speed, swinging my arm into his face, similar to a lariat.

"HaHA!" I begin, hearing a bone snap and assuming it was his neck until I notice a sharp pain in my arm and see that the entire arm is bent backward at a perfect 90° angle. Skully on the other hand didn't budge a single inch.

He simply looks at me with the most neutral expression I've ever seen.

I scream as the pain finally settles in and the bones in my arm are making horrible noises I'm pretty sure bones shouldn't be making.

"I hope you aren't done yet. I'm just getting started..." He mutters and he grabs my neck, just before her starts running through the hallway at what must be the speed of sound. I can't see a thing and I'm suddenly stopped by something incredible hard.

A concrete wall.

But he doesn't stop there, he runs me right through the wall and into another one.

And another and another. My body keeps slamming through concrete walls at speeds I don't think I'm able to comprehend, my ribs are completely gone by now, and there's a sharp pain where my lungs are so in figuring there's a puncture somewhere.

Until there are no more walls left to destroy and we're back outside.

My followers take one look at the bloodied and bruised state and disappear instantly at the sight of me being manhandled by someone.

I can barely believe it's true either.

Skully let's go of my neck and I slump to the ground, coughing up blood like I had swallowed one of those blood packets they use for transfusions or whatever.

He puts his foot on my skull, and presses my head into the ground hard before easing up and pointing an electricity covered finger at me.

"Care to beg for your life Brooklyn? Or does this supposed cause of yours mean more to you" He asks me with the same neutral expression on his face as before, though it's now complimented by splashes and streaks of blood, I don't know whether it be mine, his or someone else's.

I stay silent, partly because I would rather die than beg a Ronald for mercy and mostly because while I was being used as a demolition tool I bit my tongue so hard I nearly swallowed it.

"Well..." He starts stomping on my back.

"At least I asked..."

Harder and harder, faster and faster. The stomps don't stop, his boots are fucking heavy and it doesn't help that he covered his leg in electricity that occasionally sends a terrible shock through my entire body.

When I'm pretty sure I'd reached the point of death, and I'm numb with pain he stops and squats down to my level.

"Learned something here today?" He grabs a fistful if my hair and yanks it, pulling my head up so I face him.

I spit voluntarily spit blood in his face.

He nods, let's go of my hair and is about to start stomping again when he's stopped by someone.

"What. In the Fuck. HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SCHOOL!?!"