The Other Side

|| Nobody's POV||

The wind howls and curtains flap viciously as the cool breeze blows through the dark room, lit only by the blue screens of multiple computer screens all connected to one giant mainframe in the centre of the room.

A pair of bloodshot, dull gray eyes scan the numerous rows and lines of unexplainable sci-fi nonsense that keep popping up on the screen at a steady pace, the human the eyes belong to smiling dryly.

"Ms Gun..." A door on the left hand side of the room opens and in comes a young man, surely not older than 18 with black, buzz cut hair and bright blue eyes and pale skin strolls in, his lab coat billowing behind him.

"It's been 3 days. You need some fresh air" the young man sighed and opened the nearest set of windows, letting a flood of light into the room that temporarily blinded him.

The girl blinked rapidly as the light hit her eyes and she stumbled to her feet.

"The hell...I was only here for a few hours..." She rubbed her eyes to drive away the drowsiness.

"Even if it was a few days... I'll be fine! I'm a...Gun...y'know!" She tried shouting with enthusiasm but instead just ended up in a crumpled heap on the floor amongst the many, many dirty dishes and piles of Chinese takeout boxes that decorated the room.

She had a full head of dull grey hair with multiple strands of her hair dyed in varying shades of red, blue and green, she wore a sleeveless denim jacket with a sports bra and shorts. Her skin was lightly tanned.

"I'm pretty sure your father and grandfather had functional sleeping schedules" the man said as he pulled her to her feet.

"But I'm so close to cracking the case of how to implant other Type Genes into my own DNA and add their powers to mine! Especially the students at Ryker High! Neither my dad nor grandfather were this close! Wanna know why Lafayette? Because they were too busy SLEEPING!" Gun exclaimed with a manic expression as she held Lafayette's face in her hands.

"If you don't sleep you can pass out"

"So?" She cocked her head to the side while arching her eyebrow, confusion clearly written on her face.

"If you pass out you're inactive for longer the time it would have taken for you to sleep normally" he replied with a cool smirk.

"OHMYGOSHYOU'RERIGHT!" Gun yelped and ran out of the room, before returning almost instantly with a blanket.

"I can't let that happen! Promise you'll wake me up in 30 minutes!" She begged with big puppy dog eyes.

"Of course not. You can't live on 30 minutes of sleep and junk food. 5 hours minimum" Lafayette said while crossing his arms indignantly.

"5 hours! Do you have any idea how much power I could have attained by then!?" Gun whined, her eyes brimming with fake tears.

"That's the same shit you said last time!"

"Ok I'll sleep but no more than 5 hours right?" She asked, doubling the effort she put into her puppy eyes to make them extra sparkly.

Lafayette stared at her and eventually gave in, shaking his head in defeat.

"Fine. And no sneaking off to some underground lab.." he added only to see that the girl had already fallen asleep on the couch, her blanket draped hastily over her slender frame.

Lafayette sighed again and pulled the blanket to her chin before leaving the room, a soft smile on his face.

"To think that you're the villain of this story..."

|| Lofī's POV||

"You want us to do what?"

"Sneak into Ryker's Office! What's hard about that?" A certain overpowered girl said while nursing her wounded hand.

"Yeah but why us?" D-10 asked, his face wore a peculiar expression as he stroked an imaginary beard.

"The main characters are going to take a break from the spotlight for a few some offscreen bullshit" Raza told us, her demeanor changing almost instantly from insane to serious, a scarier change in my opinion.

"I don't fully understand what you mean by that statement but ok. And what the hell are we sneaking around in Ryker's Office for?" I rose my hand up and asked as politely as I could.

"Good question. We're hoping there might be some clues as to why he sent the teachers home for so long" she replied with an expressionless face, her orange eye lacking it's usual glint.

"But why can't one of the Mary Sues go in our stead?" Toni asked the question that was going through my mind at the exact same moment.

"Like I said. I want the side characters to shine a bit. Plus they're more or less busy with other shit too"

I look at Cyan(she apparently still exists) and Kat/kIt who've been silent throughout the entire meeting and Dan who is shuffling his feet, a hum coming from somewhere on or within that faceless head.

"Good. And just for extra measure I asked Blood to tag along with y'all since she probably knows this school better than anybody" Raza added, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Blood? Who's Blood?" Kat/kIt asked with a surprisingly firm voice, one of the few times she's actually spoken.

"She's Ryker High's groundskeeper. She's the one who cleans up our continuous messes" the Mary Sue explained and almost immediately a dark skinned girl with brown hair and eyes saunters towards us, wearing what appears to be some sort of championship belt around her waist.

"Damn you...." Blood mutters while eyeing us all with a piercing stare. If looks could kill we'd all be dead.

"Blood please escort these students to Ryker's Office. I trust that you'll bring them back safe and sound? They are essential to all future plans" Raza said with a calm smile, completely different from the insane one she usually had.

"You're lucky I'm even bothering to do this at all..." Blood yawned and stretched, several cracks being heard from her back.

She turned to look at us and huffed, stuffing her hands in her purple hoody pocket and walking away without a word while the rest of us briskly follow.

|| Nobody's POV||

Back at the unnamed lab used by the Type Force for their more...covert experiments...

Lafayette sat in a meeting room with 2 other Type Force captains, there were two empty seats left, one of them at the head of the table had a name tag saying "B.B Gun" while the other had it's name tag ripped clean off.

"What the hell is she doing...the meeting was supposed to start ages ago!" One of the people there, a brown haired woman barely older than Lafayette, slammed her fist into the glass table, cracking it.

"Be calm Kayla... there's no use getting riled up over such a trivial matter.." the guy on her right spoke up, his eyes were closed and he spoke in a low voice; his most notable feature however, was his bald head that still shone in the darkened room.

"To hell with that! She always does this during meetings! I outta-"

"You outta what?"

The electric doors slid open, BB Gun, the leader of the Type Force, walked in with a completely different demeanor from what she was only a mere five hours ago. She had changed her outfit to another sleeveless jacket with the kanji for 'Commander' embroidered on the front and back of it and a brand new shirt with a German symbol on it. She still wore the same cargo shorts from earlier and was now wearing a pair of goggles as a sort of headband. Part of her wild hair was also tied into a pony tail while the rest of it fell to her shoulders.

"See..I told you sleep will make you feel better" Lafayette smirked from his seat next to hers.

"I guess you were right. Kayla. Orion. What do you have for me?" She asked with a no-nonsense tone.

"Well... apart from a disturbingly high amount of energy coming from Ryker High yesterday and the riot they had about a week ago..we have nothing else" Orion spoke up in a calm manner, though there seemed to be some sort of worry in his voice.

"There's also the sudden appearance of that giant footprint we forgot to mention to you at our last meeting..." The once hot-blooded Kayla was now answering meekly and twiddling her thumbs.

BB Gun said nothing and walked to them slowly, her sneakers making little noise on the tiles floor.

"Since when...did you two get so..." She stopped and bud her face in the shadows of her hair, striking a bit of concern into her three subordinates.

"USELESS! USELESS! USELESS! USELESS!" She yelled while still hiding her face in the shadows.

"I've been putting no small amount of money into this little research of yours and now you tell me you haven't gotten anything since that last meeting?! Are the main characters dead or WHAT?!"

Lafayette just sat there feeling sorry for the both of them, he knew they were trying their best but they all knew that that wasn't good enough. At least in the eyes of a Gun. From what he had experienced in his years working with the Gun family he knew that anything short of their goals... even a step short...was an absolute and total was a neat character trait to have but theirs was... let's not get into that here...

"Just a little more time! I swear we'll think of something!" Kayla abruptly got up from her seat, sending it crashing to the ground.

"We'll have more Intel than we've ever brought back! P-p-promise!" Orion spoke up from his seat, swear begining to form on his brow.

BB looked at her dead in the eyes, Kayla and her fellow colleagues noting that her eyes held a certain emptiness to them that sent chills down their spines.

The commander slowly walked towards her subordinate and placed a hand on Kayla's shoulder.

"You promise? When someone keeps a promise they are bound to it with their least that's what my father taught me..." Her grip on Kayla's shoulder tightened and the brownette squeaked a little.

"If you come back to this base without what you promised. I'll kill you. And nobody will know you ever existed.." she squeezed her follower's shoulder and the shoulder blade shattered almost instantly, getting a dream haunting scream from Kayla as tears began gathering in her eyes.

"Let that be a warning..." BB let go of Kayla's destroyed shoulder and picked the bone shards out of her palm.

"Lafayette..Orion.. patch her up will ya. I would HATE it if the smell of blood ruined my morning coffee..." The girl commanded nonchalantly as she waltzed away from the meeting room while Kayla writhed on the floor in agony with Orion frantically trying to help her while Lafayette watched with a straight face.