Predator vs King Alien

When Predator was going by his spaceship. The King of Aliens try to attack him and bring him to New York to fight again. Predator tries to kill The King but The King of Aliens was too powerful. He uses his spear to attack but The Alien throw Predator far away. The King came closer again and tries to kill the Predator. The Alien uses its tail and drill it into the Predators body. The Predator roar loudly and cuts Aliens tail by its spear. The Predator can't move and it died. The King of Aliens taught it is the King of the World and roar loudly to bring all its Alien soldiers back. Steven and his freinds were confused. Lia said there is no time to wait. We need another creature to kill them and we need fast. So they called Henry. He said that he will not help humans till he kills all the creature.