Mizuki continues hiking through the forest, feeling a little better once her health slowly replenishes, nursing her back.
Even after her near-death experience, she feels vaguely refreshed—as though the experience was what she needed to get back into her life of constant adventure and fighting. She's had her fair share of near-death experiences to fear them anymore, and it's exhilarating to bounce back onto her feet even stronger.
The mist in the forest has cleared, allowing more visibility and making her surroundings less humid. She pulls her flask out of her bed and pours water over her body in hopes of cooling herself down before she overheats and dies because of it. She wouldn't want to risk it.
She pauses in her tracks as an information panel appears in front of her face, asking for her attention to read it.
The familiar picture of the crocodiles she fought earlier appears in a holographic image, labelled 'Silver River crocodiles'.