Before the First Snow

Mizuki turns her head and standing behind her is a figure, one that she can't exactly make out properly. It has a darkened face covered behind a veil and all that's seen on it are motifs of pink and a consistent starry pattern on its apparel.

The library surrounding her strikes her as something she has heard of before, perhaps through books or passing words of myths.

Mizuki tries to speak, and she does so by gesturing or making a big step forward but the figure moves back and no words leave her lips at all. She clenches her fist, frustrated by her inability to voice her thoughts. 

"You're looking for something," the wisp identifies but Mizuki only furrows her eyebrows at this. If she was searching for anything, she would've known it herself, but it seems she isn't sure what the unknown wisp is trying to convey to her either.