Ocean's Unquenchable Fury [Part One]

The serpent roars, opening its mouth wide, baring silvery fangs with poison oozing from its salivary glands. It reeks of rotten meat, infused with the salinity of the ocean smell as Mizuki stands back, scrunching her nose in disgust at the sight in front of her.

Raven does not seem to attack her first and instead expects her to defeat, or immobilise, the serpent before she is allowed to even reach the second phase.

Mizuki has been in enough battles to understand the annoyance of phased-type fights, but her main concern would be trying to hold off so she doesn't get hurt early-fight.

It swings towards her, trying to injure her while she's distracted.

Out of instinct, she holds out her arms and tentacles extend from the water, quickly grappling around the body of the serpent, holding it back before it's able to touch her. She keeps one eye closed and her face turned away as she is unable to face the beast.