Realm of Buried Soldiers

"Maybe a little," Shoma agrees with a short laugh. "But I travel a lot and technically, I don't need one. My parents' home got destroyed so it's not like I can impose my presence on anyone—besides, I don't want to stay at the old library anymore. It used to be better but it's been falling apart and getting crushed by falling cement isn't on my to-do list," she rambles, most of which doesn't make any sense to the two that have no idea about her true identity.

Hinata's eyes widen once the epiphany hits him as to how much he might be revealing on accident and glares at her.

By the time she realises, it's too late for take-backs and the most she can do is purse her lips and stay quiet. 

"Did something happen to Sirius? I'm sorry your home got destroyed," Brandon says sadly, sympathising with her pain.