Hints of The Future

"Brandon! You will follow me to the market," she points. Brandon looks over the piece of lettuce in his mouth, a rather flabbergasted expression on his face. He seems to frown, but the movement of his lips isn't obvious with food in his mouth.

He turns his head towards Hinata and then Mizuki with pleading eyes, as though begging for one of them to save her from a potentially horrible day out with the eccentric mage.

Hinata shakes his head and continues to chew calmly on the fruit salad prepared by the same person whom he's denying his help to. 

"Okay…" Brandon relents at the end, when he realises there's no way to get himself out of it.

Shoma perks up in her seat and does a little dance, popping another slice of apple in her mouth. She kicks her legs beneath the table, which she only stops with a glare from Hinata and a hand pressed against her lap by Mizuki, who tells her to stop before she shakes all the food off the table.