
"You were…" Dae Jung started repeating her sentence, then broke off, pretty sure that he had misheard. He reframed his question, "Where did you say you were?"

"In the last room down the upper corridor, the one that is tucked away in the corner. Pardon me, I am quite bad at telling the directions and dealing with the concept of size and scale," she replied again.

"You mean you have been hiding there the whole time?" Ho-jin asked.

"Ah, actually...I am sorry Honey, somehow I fell asleep over there. And when I woke up, I immediately rushed out to find you, only to see you all sitting here."

Kaoru exhaled loudly, almost disbelievingly, "You fell asleep in Hyeon's room! Pretty lady, I must say you are in luck that he probably didn't notice you there, or- "